Mate (3)

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I had been working as a postman for almost a month now. Let me tell you that it was not easy at all. I had to walk to deliver these messages. I had to deliver each message to the owner and have them sign the package. I was not allowed the car we came in with because, I had to buy my own one with money I had earned. I can't believe my dad really refused for me to keep the car. So, Damien had been taking the car to wherever he went during the day. Thus, every day for the past week, I would come back home with extremely sore feet. My legs couldn't handle walking for so long.

Then, I also had to live in an area filled with constant temptation. Kena is filled with humans. I think I only saw 3 vampires since I got here. I guess it makes sense since this is the furthest city from the kingdom. See the closer to the kingdom, the more the supernatural creatures there are. After all, it is not easy having to control the urge of slipping my fangs into an open enticing human throat. Honestly, I feel like some of these people are just asking for it. The women wear these open neck dresses and tops constantly. Thus exposing that smooth neck. And I just cannot handle it when they tilt their heads just a little, making that jugular fill up underneath their skin.

One of the rules for my journey was that I was not allowed to drink any human blood. Yes, Damien had to make sure of that for me. After all, I could just have my fill and compel the human to forget everything. The first few days were the hardest to control the urge. But I think I have my urges in control now. I usually force myself to focus on something completely different and go into an overthinking spiral. Yeah, it turns out that overthinking can be useful at times.

Working at the post office wasn't too bad. I made enough money to sustain myself in Kena. Luckily, they paid me weekly. Because my dad did not even give me money to pay for the place I would sleep in. So, I had to compel hotel managers to give us a place to sleep. After my first week, I could afford a small two bedroom apartment with quite a bit of cash to spare. I must say that this village was very cheap in terms of living conditions. Being a vampire had its perks. And one of those perks was that I only needed blood for sustenance, so I saved some money by not buying food.

Now human blood is divine, but animal blood would be enough to sustain me too. Dad strictly said I should be as human as possible after all. Anyways, I do still like some of the human foods. I mean before I was turned, I was practically human. The spices and flavors are still wonderful for my taste buds. Even though they were not close to the taste of metal that I got from blood. With my current salary, I am able to have some human food every now and then as I see fit.

I was extra happy today because of two things namely, I had three months left before I could finally go home and see my family. Yes, I had officially completed a quarter of this tiresome journey. Secondly, I could finally send a postcard to my family and check in with them. I missed them terribly and I knew that Damien missed them too. We were planning on writing our cards to them later tonight. Then we had to pack up and leave for the next village, Shepal

I currently had one letter left in my cart that I had to deliver for today then I was done. The only annoying thing, was that I didn't know where this house was. My legs were extremely sore from all the walking I had done with all the other letters I had already delivered. Just as I was about to give up and head back to the office, I stumbled upon a sign that said Mrytle Road.

Relieved that I had found the correct street, I began making my way to the house. I had to deliver each letter into the owner's hands. Then they had to sign off that they got their mail. Apparently, these messages are sent off as of utter importance.

I was so deep in thought about what I had to do when I finally got home today that I subconsciously rang the doorbell at the entrance and patiently waited for the owner. I had so much packing to do. Also, as a treat for finishing my first month, I was allowed one human feed. Boy, I could not wait for that treat. The thought alone had me salivating. But then the craziest thing happened instead.

I heard her walking before I saw her. There was young maiden who came to answer the door. She had blonde hair just like I always loved. Her skin looked so soft and smooth. She looked like she was glowing. It was angelical. She was... just PERFECT for me. I literally couldn't take my eyes off her. My beloved mate. So quick fact, vampires like myself do not smell their mates, we see them. Legend says that when a vampire sees their mate for the first time, their undead hearts beat in recognition. Well, that is not possible, but I sure was left breathless from seeing her right now.

She on the other hand, seemed somewhat disappointed in me. Her surprised face turned into a scowl as she observed me from head to toe. Which seemed to do the trick and pull me out of my trance of admiring her. "Get in and follow me," she said rapidly and immediately started heading back.

It was only when I was walking behind her that I finally took in my surroundings. This house was humongous. It was the most beautiful one in this whole neighborhood. Clearly, she was a rich woman. Who was she?


QOC: Do you believe in human soulmates? 

let me know in the comments


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