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For future reference: "༻༺" means the ATLA world and "☾☼☽" means its the BNHA world.

This book is inspired by baconwrappedshrimp  's
Avatar: The Last Hero, specifically Toph and Bakugou's relationship and some other concepts. Hope that's ok.



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Sozin's comet glided through the air in all its beauty. Honesty, it was a glorious view. The sky painted in reds and oranges; it would've been the best time to sit and sightsee-- if the Phoenix King wasn't using the comet to destroy the world.

The people of the Earth Kingdom attempted to hide inside their homes. They watched in fear, from out their widows, as members of the White Lotus broke down the walls of Ba Sing Se. Very few to none knew of what was happening, but many to all hoped and prayed for their survival.

"Mom!" a child shouted, pointing to the sky. "What is that?"

The mother looked up, searching for what her daughter was referring to. Finally her eyes came to a war-airship, fire spewing from the front. It appeared to be coming right towards them! "I don't know, dear," her mother told the girl, apparent panic in her eyes. "Lets just hope Avatar Aang us..."

"Help us with what?" the child's eyes still held innocence and ignorance in them. "Why do we need help?"

"Shhhhh... Annchi..." the woman grabbed the girls hand. "I think it's time we go to bed."

While the woman put her child to bed, Avatar Aang did indeed come to help them. He tried to resolve the issue peacefully, only to get attacked by the all powerful "Phoenix King". He fought back, leading the ex-Firelord away from the Earth Kingdom and into a field where stacks of rocks would give him the advantage.

After minutes of fighting, the Firelord decided to use his Lighting™. Aang caught it, using the tactic that Zuko had taught him, he began to redirect it towards the firelord. Just before he finished the bending move, he looked Firelord Ozai in the eyes-- the fear in his eyes.

He couldn't do it.

He sent the lighting up, not hurting anyone as the electric discharge faded in the sky. Ozai took this to his advantage, sending flames the young Avatar's way and knocking him off the rocks. Aang fell into the ocean, using his water bending to keep himself alive.

His eyes went wide as the Phoenix King jetpacked his way towards him. He ran through the water, water bending allowing himself to move faster. When he reached land, he covered himself with rocks.

"You're weak," Ozai stated with venom in his voice. "Just like the rest of your people! They did not deserve to exist in this world-- in my world! Prepare to die!"

Aang could feel the heat as Ozai sent fire his way. Unable to do anything, he allowed the man to send the ball of rocks flying into another rocks until, finally, his hiding place shattered.

Moments before his back hit the sharp rocks, he came to terms with the fact that this-- might be the end for him. He's going to fail the world, again. All Earthbenders in the world will soon be annihilated, just like his fellow air nomads, and he knows it won't be long until the same fate comes of the Water Tribes.

Tears stream down the young Avatar's face. Everyone he knows and loves will be killed, all because of him.

Katara. Appa and Momo. Sokka. Toph. Suki... Zuku...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I failed you guys.
And with that a bright light flashed.

❝𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓❜𝐒 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐁𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐘❞ [𝐚𝐥𝐭𝐚 𝐱 𝐛𝐧𝐡𝐚]Where stories live. Discover now