III. 04

16K 360 51

Hayden felt a rush of excitement as they arrived at Auradon but she masked it with a hard look on her face. All she had ever known was the Isle; her father's dark and dreary cave, the old docks by Ursula's and the run down buildings and markets.

Everything in Auradon couldn't have been more different. It was all so vivid and bright and the buildings were actual buildings. She may have silently followed the others as they navigated this new land but all Hayden wanted to do was squeal like a little girl.

From time to time, she found herself mesmerised by the small gem on her finger. She had never paid it much attention before but it seemed to glow with a new life now that the barrier no longer restricted its powers.

Hayden was broken from her thoughts as they emerged form the trees into a grassy area. She frowned slightly as the noise of snoring filled her ears, finally noticing all of the people slumped over in their chairs. "They're asleep. Everyone" Evie stated, pointing out the obvious as the group came to a halt.

"I can't get Ben" Mal said, her tone a mixture of worry and sadness. "Or Dizzy or Doug" Evie added as she began to walk with the girl. "Or Jane. The signals out" Carlos informed, joining the two girls.

From there, the group began to separate slightly, everyone examining the people around them. Hayden found herself next to Harry as he approached the nearest table. When the tall pirate noticed her presence, he smirked at her and put his arm around her like he would do on the Isle, only this time it wasn't for protection.

"Is that Auradon Prep?" Celia asked, pointing to a large building with wide eyes full of amazement. Hayden stared at the building as she walked, understanding the girl's wonder; they didn't have buildings that big on the Isle and this was just a school.

"Yeah. And when everybody wakes up you're gonna love it" Carlos called out to her in response, walking backwards slightly as he gestured to her. Hayden smiled at the younger girl as her mouth was now wide with shock. "Yes!" she exclaimed quietly as she closed her eyes and clenched her fists in the air.

"Everything is so..." Gil began, a frown on his face. He looked confused as he walked towards a table but Hayden could tell he was amazed by the difference between the Isle and Auradon.

"Freaky" Jay finished for him as he walked up next to him. Hayden scoffed lightly at this, realising the boy didn't understand Gil's amazement; he clearly didn't remember life on the Isle all that well.

"Green!" Gil called out instead. "You have leaves on your trees! And what are those coloured things on the bushes?" the pirate continued, pointing around him. Hayden smiled to herself as she heard him. To the VKs he may have come across as stupid but, in truth, no one on the Isle would have known either.

"Uh... flowers?" Jay answered questioningly. He too pointed at the trees and bushes but he sounded entirely confused by the pirate's amazement. "Flowers are pretty" Gil stated wistfully as Uma approached the two.

"Cantaloupe!" he then exclaimed, picking up a bowl of food that was on the table. Jay watched the boy as if he was half insane, holding out a hand as if to stop him but not entirely sure how to do it.

"We don't have any fresh fruit on the Isle, remember?" Uma explained, seeing his confusion. Jay looked at her for a moment before turning back to Gil. His face fell, remembering how different life had been for him on the Isle and now feeling sympathy for Gil.

"They're grapes" he stated matter-of-factly. Jay then dodged around the pirate, walking away and leaving him with the fruit. "Grapes? I love grapes" Gil muttered.

Hayden smiled over at him, turning away when she felt Harry move from her side. She watched as he approached two sleeping people at a table and raised an eyebrow, sensing he was up to something.

He leaned down towards the boy sleeping in one of the chairs and stole the wallet from his pocket with a smirk. "Well, I believe I deserve some... compensation" he began, opening the wallet and taking the money out.

"For my muscles and my wile and my role in this... endeavor" the tall pirate continued, looking between the two people as his eyes shone with mischief. He offered them a dramatic bow as Hayden rolled her eyes. "Harry" she warned, approaching him once again.

Upon hearing his voice, Harry turned out of his bow only to come face-to-face with Jay who did not look pleased. "You do. Me not squashing you like a bug" he threatened, snatching the money out of Harry's hand.

The tall pirate began to laugh as he threw the empty wallet on the table while Jay put the money back in the boy's pocket. Harry spun in a circle only to step closer to Jay, holding his hook against him as his face dropped to a threatening glare. "You think I'm scared of you Jay?" he asked.

"Guys" both Uma and Mal called out, trying to avoid a conflict. Harry lowered his hook and turned his head to them, sending a glare at the two girls as Jay walked away. When he turned back to Jay with yet another glare, Hayden quickly ran up and placed a hand on his arm to stop him.

Harry looked at her quickly, not having expected her touch. She sent him pleading look as her grip lightened but didn't drop. The tall pirate hesitated for a moment before his face softened once again and he nodded slightly at the girl.

"Dude!" Carlos called out, walking over towards a dog. Hayden smiled at Harry before finally releasing his arm which he then returned to its place around her shoulders. "Delicious" the dog said with a burp.

Hayden frowned at the dog, wondering how it was able to speak. She remembered it from when Ben was captured by Uma but, since the wand was a fake, it wasn't that which had allowed him to talk. "Dude, really?" Carlos asked, sounding disappointed.

"What? It wasn't me, I swear! Okay it was me" the dog defended before caving in. Hayden watched as everyone began to approach the talking dog but didn't move to join them, staying with Harry instead.

"Hey, do you know what happened here? Carlos then asked, concern laced through his tone. It was still weird for Hayden to see the former baddest villain kids of the Isle acting like the princes and princesses of Auradon. "Yup. Audrey showed up, she put everybody to sleep and then she turned some of them to-" the dog explained before being cut off.

"Guys, Hannah turned to stone!" Evie exclaimed as she stood in front of a statue of a girl. Everyone then walked over to the girl with shock on their faces, the daughter of Hades remaining next to Harry.

"Alright, everybody stay on their toes" Jay warned as he joined his friends. Harry, Gil, Celia and Hayden found themselves all standing with Uma in front of the school while the VKs stood together opposite them.

"Look, since we're here, let's check the school" Uma stated. She turned around and began to walk towards the building with her friends copying her actions when Mal cut her off. "No. Audrey went straight for the crown, I think it's safe to assume that she's gonna go for Ben in his castle next. That's where we'll go" she replied.

Uma stopped upon hearing this and turned along with the other pirates, looking to Mal. "Says who?" she asked, beginning to approach the purple-haired girl once again.

"Says me" Mal retorted. She too began to step forward, meeting Uma where she stood. Hayden rolled her eyes at the two, wondering if they would ever be able to work together. "Says you and that's supposed to mean something to me?" Uma asked.

"Guys" Hayden and Evie said at the same time. Mal turned to Evie as Uma turned to Hayden, sending her a questioning look. Hayden raised her eyebrows at the girl and crossed her arms before Uma turned around once again.

"To the castle" Mal ordered as she turned to her left and walked off, the VKs following after her. Uma followed too although she was more reluctant. When Harry sighed in annoyance, Hayden offered him a sympathetic look while reaching up to the hand hanging by her shoulder, squeezing it lightly before walking off after her sister.

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