I. 04

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Hayden was stretched out on her father's chair, playing with the fire in her hands. She traced her finger in the air, drawing different shapes with the fire. As a skull burned in the air in front of her, Hayden groaned in annoyance; the sound of the record playing the barking dog was growing very annoying.

"You know, I didn't train you just to draw shapes in the air" her father's voice called out as he approached where she was sitting. Hayden playfully glared at him, knowing he was only half joking.

"Do we really need the fake dog?" she asked, turning her glare to the old record player. Hades glanced at the source of the noise and shrugged, approaching it and lifting the needle off of the record.

Hayden sighed in relief and leaned her head back. Noticing her dad's lingering look at her flames, she curled her hand into a fist and quenched the light. Despite the fact that it was Hades who had trained her to use her powers, Hayden could tell that he somewhat envied her.

Hades had once ruled an entire world and now he was left with nothing; he couldn't even set his hair on fire like he loved to do. Seeing his daughter using her powers - limited though they may be - made him miss his past life and, because of that, Hayden tried not to use her powers in front of him.

Coming out of her thoughts, she uncrossed her legs and swung them off of the arm of the chair, landing them on the ground with a thud. She stood up as her dad approached her, kissed his cheek and dodged around him towards the exit.

"Hold it!" Hades called out to her. Hayden stopped mid-run and groaned. When he didn't say anything more, the girl turned around and reluctantly retreated down the steps she had climbed before, stopping in front of her father.

Hades looked down at her with raised eyebrows, matching her stare with one of his own. "And where might you be running off to?" he asked, not backing down from her hard gaze - although she didnt expect that the God of the Underworld would have.

"Harry's waiting for me with Uma" Hayden stated simply, crossing her arms over her chest. Hades continued to stare at her, awaiting further explanation. "Captain Hook's son" she elaborated with an eye roll.

"Minor villain" her father scoffed partially to himself as he collapsed back into his chair where Hayden previously sat. "Dad!" she exclaimed, only slightly annoyed. However, she couldn't help but smile in amusement.

"I suppose he wouldn't have anything to do with that chain you've been wearing" Hades retorted, referring to the black anchor which she had not taken off since she took it. Hayden raised an eyebrow at her dad before smirking. "Don't worry Dad, I stole it" she stated.

"That's my girl" her father answered with a proud yet malicious grin. "Okay, go" he finally gave in. Hayden returned his grin and kissed him on the cheek once more before running back towards the stairs.

"By the way, I probably won't be back until late okay bye!" she rushed out as she continued to climb up the stairs. Although her back was turned, she could envision the shock on her father's face as he processed her words.

"Hey! Wait a second!" Hades called out once again. Hayden grimaced slightly but continued up the stairs. "Don't worry Dad! We'll be causing as much chaos as we can!" she yelled back, running towards her freedom before her father could stop her.

She continued running through the tunnel, finding it faster than the old bike that was there, and hoped that her dad wouldn't follow. She pushed open the metal door with a creak and allowed the light to blind her for a moment.

"Girl, why are you running?" Uma called out as she saw her friend. Hayden blinked a few times to adjust to the bright daylight and flashed a grin at Uma. "You know how my dad gets. Besides, I dont think he trusts Hook over there" she explained, nodding in the direction of Harry who was too far away to hear their conversation.

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