II. 05

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It didn't take long for the VKs to show up at the docks. Hayden was still tied to the railing as Uma stood on the opposite side of the boat, watching for Mal. Harry was guarding Ben who was no longer tied to the mast but still had his wrists binded.

"Hey guys!" Gil sang from the crow's nest as he watched for the VKs. "They're here!" he continued before beginning to climb back down the rope. Harry pushed Ben away from him before stretching his arms out, a grin on his face. "Welcome!" he yelled out to them.

"Finally" Uma called before laughing, doing a little dance on the spot in excitement. Mal approached the boat, standing confidently on the docks as her friends stood all around her, watching carefully.

"Huh, let's get this party started
I swear I'm cold-hearted
There's no negotiation
I'm not here for debatin'
You need some motivation?
Just look at Ben's face
Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient"

Uma began to sing as she flipped both sides of her hair over her shoulders, matching Mal's hard stare. Harry pushed Ben out onto the plank and stepped up behind him. He threw an arm over the king's shoulder and leaned his head next to his, taunting him with a smirk.

"I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks
You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart"

Uma continued, gesturing with her hands for emphasis. The girl had a hard glare but a mischievous smirk, believing she held all of the power. Harry was holding Ben by the shoulder, dangerously close to the edge of the plank.

"Now, let's all just be smart
Although for you that must be hard
You'll get your wand
No one has to come to any harm
Don't try to intimidateYour bark is much worse than your bite
Who's the baddest of them all?
I guess we're finding out tonight"

Mal sang back, although she didn't move from her position. She held her stance, gesturing back at Uma while taunting her.

"Let's go, bring it on
Better give us what we want
It's the wand for the crown
If you don't, it's going down"

All of the pirates began to sing, dancing now. Hayden watched from the railing as they gestured both the wand and the crown, determined to get what it was they wanted.

"Let's go, make your move
Peace or war, it's up to you
Give him up and do it now
If you don't, it's going down"

The VKs sang back at the pirates along with a girl who Hayden didn't recognise. They held both of their hands outwards before pounding down on the railing which Jay and Evie then swung under.

"We want the wand
Or else the king is gone
Your time is running out
You should really watch your mouth"

The pirates sang once again, now waving their swords in the air to appear more threatening. Harry still held Ben on the plank and dangled his stopwatch once again in front of the king's face.

"Let's go, pound for pound
We're prepared to stand our ground
Put your swords up, put 'em up
It's going down"

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