I. 03

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Hayden spent most of her time in thr following weeks with Uma and the pirates. It felt good to spend time with people who were her own age and she and Uma seemed to pick up where they left off all those years ago.

The daughter of Hades also found herself making more friends. Gil was a little clueless at times but he always seemed to make Hayden laugh. Harry, however, couldn't have been more different. He was just as cocky as the day he had brought her to Uma and he loved to taunt the blue-haired girl. Despite that, Hayden found herself becoming quick friends with him too.

As Hayden began to approach the docks, she could see Harry arguing with another pirate. She watched as the other pirate taunted him and she began to laugh at the sight. However, once she saw the other pirate knock Harry's hat off of his head, she knew it was no longer a joking matter.

Harry quickly pulled out his sword, growling at the other pirate. For a brief moment, Hayden saw fear cross the other pirates face but he drew his sword anyway.

The two pirates began to clash at one another and the sound of their swords filled the air. Hayden watched as the two danced around one another but she knew that the other pirate was no match for the son of Captain Hook.

Before long, Harry had overpowered the other pirate and pushed him backwards off the dock. As Hayden approached the tall pirate, she heard him laughing down at the person swimming around in the water below.

She placed a hand on his arm in order to get his attention but she seemed to startle him. Harry immediately spun on his heel, thinking another pirate had come to fight him, and swung his sword.

The sharp steel stopped right before her neck, causing Hayden to freeze as her eyes grew wide. "Relax, I wasnt stealing it. Just returning it" she stated, waving his hat in her hand which she had picked up before approaching.

"You should be more careful, sweetheart" Harry taunted as he lowered his sword without taking a step back. Hayden scoffed as she reached up, placing his hat back on his head.

"Please, you can't hurt me" she stated confidently. Harry raised an eyebrow at the girl and began to circle her, never stepping further away from her. "Oh really? Because I dont see a sword" he retorted as he stopped in front of her once again.

"I'm the daughter of Hades. I don't need one" Hayden explained, crossing her arms and holding her ground. A smirk appeared on Harry's face as a glint of mischief shone in his eyes.

"What if I were to do this?" he asked as he grabbed her wrist and spun her around. Harry pulled her back against his chest and held his sword around her, resting it next to her cheek. "It would be a shame to cut that pretty little face of yours" he breathed into her ear.

Hayden's breath hitched as her heart began to pound, feeling how close the cold steel was to her face. "Don't fool yourself Hook. You don't have it in you to cut me" she taunted, hoping she was right.

For a moment Harry didn't move or say anything. Hayden was afraid that he wasn't bluffing but, luckily, he lowered his sword and stood back from the girl. "Maybe. But others might. Ya need to learn how to fight" he stated, pointing his sword at her once more.

Hayden smirked as she approached him, pushing his sword to the side. "Then teach me" she ordered, meeting his gaze. Harry frowned for a moment, wondering if there was a hidden agenda or some trick to her words. However, he soon replaced his frown with his signature smirk.

The tall pirate turned and began to walk in the opposite direction. Hayden was worried that he was refusing and began to frown but she soon realised he was retrieving a second sword.

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