II. 04

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From the moment Hayden was pushed into the cell, Ben watched her warily but didn't say anything. Hayden had raised her eyebrows at the boy, surprised by both his silence and his clothing but didn't say anything about either.

She had somehow managed to fall asleep on the floor, leaning back against the side of the boat, and didn't wake again until early morning. When her eyes fluttered open once more, she groaned. Her body felt stiff and sore from not sleeping on any form of a bed.

When Ben heard her awaken, he looked at her once again but still remained silent. Hayden rolled her eyes at him as she pushed herself to her feet, walking around in order to stretch her muscles. "You do realise that if I wanted to hurt you I would have done it by now?" she eventually asked.

Ben seemed startled that she had spoken to him and turned to watch her where she paced. "No I- I mean- I didn't think that-" he stuttered out, trying to form some sort of response but not being able to. Hayden raised an eyebrow at this and snorted.

"Who are you?" he eventually asked, curiosity flashing in his eyes. Hayden looked back at him, examining the look on his face. She figured that Mal and the VKs never would have talked about her but she was somewhat surprised that the king didn't even know the people of the Isle.

"I am Hayden, daughter of Hades and heir to the Underworld" she announced dramatically while offering him a mock curtsie. "And you are Ben, son of Belle and The Beast and King of Auradon" she stated matter-of-factly.

The king nodded at her answer, unsure of what response she had expected in return. "Why did you try to break me out?" he eventually asked once again. Hayden could tell that he was somewhat wary of saying too much and annoying the girl; Harry hadn't taken her sword after all.

"I have my reasons" she responded ominously. She didn't want to reveal too much, keeping true to her word that she wouldn't reveal Mal's secret to anyone.

"Well, those reasons seem to make you the only person on the Isle that doesn't want me dead" he said with an empty laugh. Hayden smiled lightly at this before sitting back on the floor opposite the king.

"It's more complicated than that" she said quietly, glancing at him carefully. Ben's eyebrows furrowed at her newly established vulnerability and looked to her for further explanation.

"All any villain kid ever wants is for the barrier to come down" Hayden said with a sigh. "We want a life where you dont have to steal and lie to survive, especially for the younger kids" she continued, a wistful smile on her face as she thought of Dizzy and Celia.

"But... you guys are evil" Ben stated carefully, afraid of her reaction. Hayden snorted at this and raised an eyebrow. "You know your girlfriend's a villain kid too, right?" she asked, somewhat amused.

"Besides, it's what we're taught. It's all we know" she stated truthfully as Ben grimaced. The king nodded lightly but didn't seem to have a response. Hayden sighed and lay back on the ground, wanting to distract herself form her moment of vulnerability.

"She's not my girlfriend anymore" she heard Ben say quietly, referring to what she had said previously. The blue-haired girl frowned for a moment before laughing. "Oh please" she said, knowing how worried Mal had been when they were in the clubhouse. If she knew one thing for certain, it was that her sister was in love.

Before Ben could question her response, the creak of metal interrupted them. Hayden looked to her left to see Harry standing in the door of the cell with another pirate behind him.

"Rise and shine" he called out, avoiding the eyes of the Hayden. The daughter of Hades rose from her position on the floor and pushed herself off of the ground, watching Ben do the same.

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