Echos of the past

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Y/n ran back to the school as fast as he could, he ran fast enough that none of the girls seemed to notice him except for one

He ran right into the dragon demon as she stepped in front of him

"Where are you off to in such a hurry hum...."

She didn't finish as he did something he didn't even want to do, he raised his finger and shushed her

"I don't have time for this, I need to get to lector"

He ran past the dumbfounded demon girl, nobody had ever just shushed her and walked away like that, she had been about to beat him but something was definitely off, he hadn't stuttered or anything

Y/n burst into Hana lector's room breathing heavily, the only person in the class was Medusa as she was reading history book

The snake girl looked up and waved
"Hi y/n, I'm in detention!"

Lector growled at her then glared at y/n
"What do you want boy?"

She asked, her voice dripping with hate and venom

"M-Miss lector, this might sound crazy but...I-I-I saw the ghost of your mom!"

As he blurted it out he realized how damn crazy he sounded but as soon as he looked lector in the eye he could see something that made him uncomfortable

Her posture and tone changed
"Medusa.... get. Out"

"But I have 3 hours of detention?"

Lector roared angrily

This made the demon girl jump and slither out of the class as fast as she could

Lector stood and looked y/n in the eyes
"Are you telling the truth boy?! Because this is not something to be joked around with!"

Y/n nods frantically
"I-I'm telling the truth"

Lector looked down sadly
"Then the war is not far away....come with me, I'll excuse you from the days you miss"

"What do you mean? Where are we going?"

"I'll explain when we get there, I'll inform the head mistress of what's happening, she'll get her legion together"

The legion of doom? That was very bad news, the doom legions were the most deadly force on earth and in hell, nothing could stand against there might, what would scare the headmistress enough to mobilize the legion?

Lector grabbed a knife and put her left hand around the blade slicing open her palm and then began to draw in her palm muttering in a different language

"thabhairt dom abhaile"

As she finished a flaming red tear formed in front of her

"Step through the portal rider, all will be explained "

He did jest that

He stepped through the portal and exited into a giant dark room

"What the hell?"

He looked around and saw three statues, eave was about ten foot tall and was a different species

To the left was A statue of a female with horns, a tail and a hammer raised over her head, she looked exactly like the spirit he had seen in the Forest

"Marcie deathshead"

He whispers remembering the name

To the right was a statue of a type of demon y/n didn't recognize, he had large horns on his head with spikes down the middle, a piece of armor covered his mouth and most of his body, in on hand he held an axe that seemed to have writing on the blade, around his waist was a belt with an odd symbol on it

And finally in the middle stood a statue of a man, he was clad completely in armor, his face hidden behind a helmet sharing the symbol of the othe statues belt, in his left hand was a sword seemingly sharing the writing on the other guys axe, in his right was a shotgun resting on his shoulder

Y/n jumped when the voices started

"Behold those who have come before you"

"Behold the ones who will mold you into a warrior "

"Behold the bringers of DOOM"

(666 words)

Hell and back (shy male reader x all female demon school)Where stories live. Discover now