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Thankfully the spider woman let him down when she pulls the blade back to herself

"Hello and welcome to weapons class, I'm miss rachnera, now I know we have a human in class but we can torture him later "

Someone actually cheered for that

He sighs and sits in the back hoping he would go unnoticed but he didn't a girl that was mostly purple and around 6 ft 5 with horns and wings looks at him with a glare her tail swaying angrily

He sighs and sits in the back hoping he would go unnoticed but he didn't a girl that was mostly purple and around 6 ft 5 with horns and wings looks at him with a glare her tail swaying angrily

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Y/n shrunk into themselves in fear and said nothing

She growls and looks back to the front of the class

Racnera was talking about combat

"You are all fierce fighters except for one of you, now you are going to show me how fierce you are.....follow"

She led the class to an arena like area, it was a large pit surrounded by seats

"Now I Think we should put our strongest students against our weakest, weakest beings the human "

Y/n sighs and looks down

Racnera pushes him towards a weapon rack, in it Are swords and spears, bows, hammers chain blades, guns and even some magical bombs

He picked up the chain blade

Racnera smiles
"The sting of a scorpion is nothing to a dragon....Mara"

The winged purple girl with horns stepped forward

I'm so boned was all y/n could think

She grabbed a giant dual sided sword

Racnera had them stand across from each other

Mara charged him her horns forward, trying to impale him

Against his will his body moves, his hand go up and grabbed the horns, he is pushed back a little but dug his feet in and stopped her.....that was good

What wasn't good was how much she seemed to enjoy having her horns touched as she purrs unconsciously

Y/n Let's go And backed away nervous
Damnit! Now is not the time rider! He screamed in his mind

She shakes her head waking up and roars running after him raising her sword

He doges to the side away from her and flung the chain blade out around her arm, sounded good as he made her drop her weapon but she yanked the chain to her and closed lined him as he flew past

He got up and spat blood

He got up and flung the blade out, he was instantly hit again and then bashed into the ground

He had had enough....he was pretty sure his rib was broken and so was probably his jaw...he wanted to just lose and get out....someone else wanted to fight

He caught her fist and changed, it wasn't a change he wanted, the rider forced himself out and took control, y/n tried to fight it...he always did but it hurt like being burned alive

His skin melted away leaving only his flaming skeleton that hit Mara away in a backhanded strike

"You will die!"
He lit the chain ablaze and started swinging it,

He laughs like a madman because that's what the rider was

A mad angel

A murderess spirit

A monster.....that's what y/n is to

Hell and back (shy male reader x all female demon school)Where stories live. Discover now