Hellish recption

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Y/n couldn't think, this has to be a mistake, it had to be

The school looked mostly empty at the moment because he was there early, he had to talk to the headmaster, they might help him, tell him what to do

He walked in and then made his way to the head master office at the front of the school and looked inside, he didn't see anybody inside so he waited outside the door until suddenly a female voice came from inside the room

"Come in"

He gulped and walked in, to his fear he saw a tall woman who looked like she was made out of black smoke, a shadow demon

"Hmmm, why are you here? Looking for someone?"
He shook his head

"N-n-n-n-no m-m-ma'am"
He stuttered out his body betraying him

"Then Why?"

Y/n held out the letter he had gotten, she snatched it making him flinch and read through it

"Hmmm, it's an acceptance letter. It seems you are now apart of my school "

Y/ns heart sank as she didn't seem to do anything

"B-b-b-but isn't t-t-t-this an all g-g-girl d-d-demonic school?"

"Yes it is, but I don't make these rules, if it says your accepted here that means this is your new school, now what sort of demon are you?"

"I-I-I-I'm not"

"Your human? And male, how did you end up here?"

She shook her head

"I'll have to report this, it won't reach the council for about a month, so you will haven't stay here for that time, you will be shown to your dorm later today "


"Yes you are living at this school, all our girls do"

Y/n felt their mind break, This was his personal hell, he knew it was

"Now if you don't mind....get out so I can work "

Y/n nods and runs out of the room panicked, what had he gotten in to?

He thought about running but the nearest town was 50 miles away, even as the rider it would take him forever

He decided that he would just wait it out and then he would be relocated to his real school, ares academy.

He looks around to see a group of female demons walking towards the front doors, he didn't want to be singled out for being human and a guy so he walked the other way, deeper into the school

He walked past many many lockers and rooms, all around the school flag of s pentagram was everywhere

"At least there isn't anyone here yet"
He said aloud as he looked for any indication of where he should go

He slowly walked back towards the front of the school terrified that he would run into somebody

He walked around before he found out he was lost

He was getting so nervous that he panicked

He could here someone talking nearby as a few girls rounded a corner and were in front of him before he could react

"What the hell?"
The lead girl said as she looks at him

"It's a human? What is it doing here?"

Y/n really didn't want to be here so he started backing away and then turned and walked as fast as he could before he felt a hand on his shoulder turning him back around forcefully

"Where do you think your going ?"

He was very scared at the moment and staid quite thanks to her iron grip on his shoulder

He tried to get away but she held hI'm, she had horns and s purple skin wearing a green shirt

Y/n blush's and tries to run with all his power but wasn't Strong enough

"Hey I'm talking to you human "

With fear in his eyes her luckily ripped away and ran down the hallway away from them, his shy nature was spiking
(Here marks 666 words)

He felt a blush on his cheeks and jumped when he herd the PA system go off
"All students please report to your first class"

Y/n checked the schedule he had gotten and looked at it, his first class was Dr. Hanna Lector

He sighs and looks around until he finds her room

He walked in and instantly regrets it as all at least 15 girls looked at him, he walked towards a red demon woman with blond hair and yellow eyes when y/n

Y/n walked to her, she looked up at him and sighs and rolled her eyes

"CLASS! I thought i told you not to have your food in class"

She gestured at y/n as she said this


Hell and back (shy male reader x all female demon school)Where stories live. Discover now