When heaven meets hell

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Y/n was running into the no mans land of the battle, he was obviously aware of how stupid this was but he ran on

He mad it about 20 feet before an arrow flew past his head leaving a cut on his cheek

"Alright, I don't like you, and you don't like me, but right now we need to work together! I won't give you full contro-"

The rider replied instantly cutting him off

He hadn't been expecting that
"Alright........here we go"

His body didn't begin to burn like normal, his skin didn't turn to ash slowly and painfully, he combusted in a ball of hellfire, it still hurt but wasn't as agonizing as normal

He wasn't fighting over control, they were balanced

He gathered hellfire into his hand and ran at the nearest catapult that had the argent d'nur battalion pinned Down

He was almost there before he took an arrow to the knee

This made him fall and he yelled in pain before releasing a fountain of flame in the direction the arrow had come from, disintegrating the next volley before they hit him

He grabbed the arrow in his knees and snapped it in half pulling it out, the damned thing was holy metal, he bled molten liquid as he removed the other half and stood back up

Due to the rider being on tough son of a bitch he kept running the catapult was nearly ready to fire again as y/n ran closer dodging arrows as much as he could although he couldn't dodge them all and was hit at least three times, one in each shoulder and in his abdomen

But he ran on, only a small number of archers were firing at him as he was considered a low level threat

He built up enough power into one one hand and he grabbed his Chain beginning to swing it around in a circle above his head before throwing it and wrapping it around the bace of the catapult and sending all the power he had through it

He gave a mighty pull and the chain melted through the metal causing the siege weapon to collapse

For a few seconds after everyone's as in a stunned silence before the arch angel bellum pointed at y/n with a growl


5 angels broke rank and charged spears at the ready

Y/n drew his own swords and the rider engulfed them in hell fire before the fought

Y/n was good at fighting and with the riders power he could stand his ground, but more angels joined in the skirmish against him

He had been parrying blows from two angels when one dive boned from the air slashing him across the chest spilling more molten blood bringing y/n down to one knee, but he shakily stood again, he had to prove himself

He blazed in a glorious plums of fire fighting his best but the blows got past his defenses and began to stack up

He was slashed by one angel then shield bashed to the face by the next, stabbed through the right side of his chest where the spear was left there

He fell to his knees coughing up molten blood, his fire sputtering at his wounds, every weapon was holy, that shit messed him up

The angels and their porcelain faces moved in for the final blow to strike him down but were stopped by something that was thrown down from the sky, a shield that was much larger then a normal human one flew down hitting and sticking to the ground in front of him

A mighty roar came from the sky as a demonic came down bringing her hammer straight into the porcelain mask of the angels shattering it with one blow

He couldn't believe his eyes, the demon who had saved him, and was now defending him was none other then the horned dragon herself,   The one that had tormented him since he got to the Damn school
(666 words)


He roars again before shouting
"Destroy the catapults!"

Other flying demons shot, cast or threw Fireballs, stones, and other magical projectiles at the catapults from the opening that y/n had created

The headmistress formed a chain mace in one hand and a blade in the other before shouting

Y/n was in awe as he saw the demons run tepees the confused angels who had thought this would be a quick and easy matter

It was almost beautiful in a chaotic and horrifying way

Then he saw Mara walking back towards him anger in her eyes, although he felt for once it was not anger at him

"Stand rider! The battle is not over yet!"
She yanked him up by his arm and he landed on his feet

The looked to see lector smashing her way through the angels to clash with eve teachers of the other academy, they had never seen the teachers in full action

But they paired in comparison to the overwhelming power that the headmistress wielded as she effortlessly swatted enemies out of her path, or put them down with a swipe of the hand

Mara and y/n charged as well, the dragons was a very powerful demonic, and her as an ally with the rider was nearly unstoppable as they fought side by side

Mara and y/n unfortunately gained the attention of the arch angel

Bellum flapped his wings knocking them both back and bringing him up into the air before slamming Down on the ground with his mace just nearly missing Mara who stood and growled

"You students are quite impressive, but you can't match me in combat "

Mara growled and decided to test that theory, she lunges at him but he brought his fist into her face putting her back down on the ground, now it was y/ns turn, he blasted bellum with hellfire, the angels was caught off guard but used his wing to block before spinning suddenly and smacking y/n away with his wing

He landed next to mara looking at her

"We can't beat him on our own......but"

She knew what he was planing and growled, but even she knew she wasn't at the same levels as bellum, so she crushed down her pride and nodded
"Together, 3....2....1...."

The attack simultaneously, y/n blasted fire while Mara delivered a haymaker to the off balance angel before grabbing his wings and yanking them back so y/n could run up and bash his fists together on both sides of the angels head discombobulating him

Mara then grabbed bellum around the waist and suplexed him

She moved as y/n jumped into the air bringing a flaming fist down into bellums head

Mara and him looked at the knocked out angel

The rest of the battle didn't last long once their command had been taken down and the headmistress just scared most of the angels into Surender while the rest were fought down to the last man

Y/n was exhausted and his injuries were catching up with him as his flames died out, he was human again before he knew it and he spat out a fair amount of blood before falling to one knee

His vision was blurry but he saw Medusa and one of the tall argenta, that was the last thing he saw before he passed out from it all

Medusa caught him in her coils

"Good job rider, good job"

Y/n dreamed of course, he always did
He dreamt of a bringer of light, a great beast with wings the size of skyscrapers, and a white furred body, he saw the giant blue insectile eyes

It was beautiful, one of his few nice dreams, but it was gone to soon as he woke

(1317 words, holly hell)

Hell and back (shy male reader x all female demon school)Where stories live. Discover now