sracadh agus cuimilt

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After long and painful days of training the war day was finally here, the battle didn't start till noon but the headmistress called them all to assembly outside of the school

To all of their surprise she wasn't her nor smoky self, she had formed into a physical body and a dangerous looking one at that

To all of their surprise she wasn't her nor smoky self, she had formed into a physical body and a dangerous looking one at that

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She was unnaturally tall, maybe 7 ft and her white eyes burned with pride as she looked upon her students, her army

She shouted over the crowd

"Today, will be fighting for our honor, for the honor of demon kind, it will not be easy, not in the slightest, but the ones we are about to go to war with won't get it easy either because we will not go down without a fight, we are demons! "

This drew a cheer from the crowed

"We are the thing that keeps humanity afraid! We are what keeps monsters hiding in the dark, we are the reason that they are afraid right now!"

"Tell me demons, what is your profession?!"

A roar came from the crowd, a sort of chant
"sracadh agus cuimilt" the chanted in a language he didn't understand

The repeated the chant increasing in volume

The head mistress raised her arms in triumph Roaring

The gathered assembly did so as well raising weapons and shields

The headmistress shushed them all again
"Go......prepare for your oncoming battle, and may the fires of hell guide you all"

The were dismissed

Y/n was going to go to his room but got stopped by Medusa, the horned snake girl and andromeda

"Where do you think your going?"
Andromeda asked as she grabbed y/ns arm

"To my room"

"No you don't, your part of the agrent group now, that meanssssss you mussssst do our pre-war traditionsssssss "

"W-w-what's that?"

"We are going to have a fancy lunch "

That was a bit anti climatic y/n thought, was this some kind of prank?


"Yeah, then after we do a kinda team fire where we burn offerings"

That was more like it

Y/n didn't see any way around this so he nodded, to be honest it didn't sound that bad

They went to the front of the school where the rest of the battalion was waiting and they all ate a couple of roasted hogs and some sort of giant spider like creature that had pincers and a stinger

Y/n ate the pig

It was actually pretty nice, y/n however still felt like he wasn't quite welcome in this little gathering so he sat a little bit away from the ground where he summoned bullet

He watched the pup play trying to catch a butterfly, he noticed something he hadn't seen before, each of the heads seemed to have its own personality, the middle seemed most focused , the right head was the most nippy while the left one was just curious

"Heh I might have to give you names for each head"

It didn't take long for him to think of a few

The middle would be ichi , the right one would be ni, and the left.....that was Kevin

He laughs to himself

"If only you could fly, you'd be perfect for those names"

After the meal the burned offering, the demon asked for the blessing of what he assumed was some sort of deity but yet again he stayed back more

Finally it was time, the battle was upon them and they were all as prepared as they could by

Y/n put his helmet on as the waited for the angelic army to arrive, he was armed with his chain blade and two cutlasses in sheaths at his sides, he also carried a round shield

Everyone was tense, waiting for the enemy, waiting for the fight, even though y/n knew that killing wasn't supposed to happen he was still scared

It was at this point that the head them, they had arrived

(666 words)

The marched with drunks and trumpets blaring, but it was what they dragged behind them that got everyone's attention, the giant catapults and ballistas

The head mistress swore under her breath, she hadn't expected them to bring siege weapons, the only rules to the war games were this: no killing or fatal damage to opponents, and no modern armaments

But they had found a loop hole, these weapons had been in use for hundreds of years

Y/n looked to see that the demons had no catapults or anything of that nature

"We might be fucked"
Andromeda whispered next to him

The angels were stood in perfect lines, a row of shields and spears was all that could be seen
Bellum raises his gigantic  Salron looking mace

Shouted the headmistress and the order moved down the line as shields were all raised up to block the rain of arrows

They created a roof of metal at the over lapped their shields , the thumps and cracks of the arrows was defining

Another shout echoes from the arch angel bellum


The giant machines sprung to life and began lobbing boulders at them

The more powerful elementals and charmcasters among the demons got to work throwing up magical walls of stone, ice, energy, the tall demon from argent d'nur even raised a wall of hell fire to protect them, but all this defense required energy that would drain with all this effort

Even the head mistress began to cast shadows that blocked boulders

And to make it all worse the runes that blazed upon the rocks that were shot at the demons caused them to have an aura that made them even harder to block

The angels were playing a dirty game making them waist all their energy before a single strike had even been thrown

Y/n, he needed to do something.....anything to fight back, to be more then some stupid useless human, he found himself running before he even knew what he was doing people tried to yell at him to stop but he didn't here as he ran past the front lines of the demons wand into the unknown of the battlefield

Hell and back (shy male reader x all female demon school)Where stories live. Discover now