One// Shopping

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December 26, 2014


"This would look hella cute on you." Chloe smiles, holding up a purple knee high dress.

"It's only about 500 sizes too small." I sigh and cross my legs, but then uncross them again since I didn't like the way it made my thighs look. "And I hate purple."

"You gotta help me, Aspen. We have totally different styles, I can't just read your mind and pick out the perfect dress." She sighs.

Chloe. My beautiful and skinny 20 year old sister with perfect blonde and straight hair and tan skin and looks that she received from my mother. I, on the other hand, am a totally different story. I'm not beautiful and not skinny and I have weird brown hair and skin that looks like I've never seen the sun in my life. I know what you're thinking, how the hell are you two sisters? I don't even know the answer to that. But, we are sisters and she's the bigger tree blocking the smaller tree from getting any sunlight. I'm the smaller tree. The thicker smaller tree.

"I'll find something." I sigh and stand up from the little red cushiony stool I had my butt planted on.

Chloe follows me into the jungle of racks that hold all different colors of dresses and all sorts of types of clothes. Being the day after Christmas, some racks are emptier than the others.

I turn toward a rack of black dresses, but Chloe grabs my shoulders and points me towards white dresses.

"This is a wedding we're going to tomorrow, not a funeral." She sighs.

"But what if I'm on my period then? It'll be a white dress, Chlo." I say. She laughs, and grips my shoulders lovingly.

"You're not going to be on your period, I know that for a fact. You have red circles on your calendar at home, you think I don't know what that means? Your period came two weeks ago." As my sister looks through the pretty white dresses, I pick at my chipped black nail polish and wish I had the energy to re-do them.

"That's creepy. You went into my room?" I grimace.

"Hey, it's my apartment. You just live there." She laughs and pulls out a frilly thing with tassles and weird shit. I quickly shake my head no and she nods in agreement.

"I pay half the rent, it's mine too!" I nudge her slightly.

"Nevermind. Just help me pick out something." She sighs.

I sigh and shift my weight to one foot, and start to look through the endless supply of crisp, white dresses. Sticking out of a bunch of white dresses, is a black dress which catches my eye immediately. Just like any person would be, I find myself to be curious. I pull it off the rack and gasp a little bit. It's a spaghetti strapped skater dress. But, then I tell myself to not get my hopes up because dresses are never the right size on me and they always make my stomach look awkwardly big.

"I know I said no black dresses, but that one is practically made for you. Please try it on." She pleads like it matters to her if I get the right dress or not. We dont even know who's wedding this is since Dad hasn't told us yet. I have no idea why she's so hyped.

"I don't know, Chloe..." I ponder whether I should put it on.

"Come on, try it on. What's to lose?" She chuckles.

"My dignity." I sigh yet again.

I go to try it on in the women's dressing room. Once, I pull it over my head, I realize it's a perfect fit. It fits snug around my boobs and ass, making me look good and my stomach and love handles look non existant. It goes to just above my knee, so it's modest and everything as well.

"Is it on?" Chloe asks from outside the stall.

"Yes." I say and walk out. She smiles widely.

"It may be black, but it's perfect for you, Asp." She chuckles. "If there are any guys your age there, they're going to go wild."

"I highly doubt that. I may look good but I'm still ugly as fuck." I chuckle.

"Hey, don't swear."

"I do what I want."

"Whatever. Let's get that dress and go home." She smiles.

For once, I actually agree with her.



I was reading this one fanfic and a lot of comments were about the girl in the fanfic being beautifully skinny and i was like hey im not skinny why dont i make a plus size fanfic

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