Forty One// His Dick Is Out

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May 3, 2015


The concert has been going through my mind ever since it occured. Everything about it was just absolutely amazing and I want to re-live it over and over again. Maybe it was how I held Calum's hand, or how I heard Ashton talking to him about "making something more" of us, or maybe it was that this all happened at a concert they're band played at, which blew my socks off.

"Number 26!" The teenaged boy, who looks younger than me but has a sophistication about him, at the counter calls my mumber. I stand up from the seat my butt was planted in while I was waiting for them to prepare my food, and I grab the two pizzas that I already paid for. When I got off work, I figured I'd get Calum and the guys some pizzas just for fun. Hopefully they're home, but even if theyre not I'll just text Calum and leave the pizzas on the doorstep.

The smell of pizza fills up my car, in a good way, as I drive over to Calum's apartment. Just the smell makes me want to eat half of a whole box alone. Everything about pizza is so great.

Calum's apartment complex comes into view, and I find a parking space closest to the building, which would cut my walking time, and I can eat some pizza as soon as possible. I try not to drop the two large boxes as I take the elevator and walk to Calum's apartment. If I dropped it, that would suck so much. But at least I had made an effort right?

My clenched fist knocks tightly on the door a couple times. Thank God, Luke opens the door just as the pizza boxes start to slip out of my hand. He comes to the rescue, catching the boxes before they fall.

"Thank you, Luke." I sigh, my arm feeling slightly tired just from carrying two pizza boxes. I hate that I'm so weak.

"Is this for us?" Luke asks, peeking into one of the boxed like a curious child.

"No. It's just for me." I say. For a second, I think he believes me, and then I feel slightly bad. "It's for you too, Luke. It's for all of you guys."

Shaking my head at Luke's gullible self, I slip passed him in the doorway, and look around for any of the guys as I take off my shoes besides the door and let my purse slide off my shoulder, which lands directly next to my Converse. "Where is everybody?" I ask the tall boy who's still inspecting the pizzas at the doorway. He looks up at me, snapping out of his daze, and shuts the door.

"It's just me and Calum at home right now. He's in his room probably." He tells me, as he sets the boxes down onto the kitchen counter.

"I'll go get him." I say, and jog to Calum's door, which is shut tight.

I knock on it lightly, but there's no answer, even after I wait a little while. If Calum's in there, he either didn't hear me or doesn't want anybody in his room. It's most likely the first option, knowing Calum.

I've been taught not to enter doors without knocking and I know I shouldn't, but I walk through the door without consent.


I should've knocked.

Calum lays on his bed, pants and shirt no where to be seen. His dick is out, and his hand is wrapped around his dick.

Did he not notice me walk through the door? Did he not hear it?

I feel like I can't move, my legs are frozen in this exact spot, my eyes never leaving his body.

"Oh, Aspen." He moans my name quietly as he masturbates. I gasp a little, which finally catches his attention.

His cheeks flush, losing their tan color, and he quickly grabs one of his pillows, putting it over his boner. "Aspen!" He yells in surprise.

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