Seventeen// Sexy

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January 24, 2015


As I desperately try to get dressed for the party I'm attending, Chloe will not leave the room no matter how hard I try to get her to leave. Is it too much to ask for a little privacy...

"Have you ever even been to a party?" She asks like I'm some twelve year old.

"You mean since high school? No." I admit sheepishly.

Even in high school, the only parties I went to were small sleepovers with Darcey involved or little get togethers with twenty people at most. The rowdy parties with loud music and drunk people are not my thing. And I know all about them, since Darcey tells me everything.

If you went to parties with me, I'm almost positive guys would be crawling all over you.

This can't be true. I don't even know why Raff would want to be seen with me at the party; a fat chick. His friends must be at the party and when they see me, they'll probably just laugh.

"You'll have fun. Just stick with your boyfriend." My sister pats my back and finally walks out of the room so I can get changed. Choosing to ignore her assumption of Raff and I, I quickly put on black skinny jeans that make my chubby thighs look weird, a plain black tee, and the jean jacket that Raff got me so that my arms aren't so visible. I don't really need my purse if all I'm taking is my phone, so I just leave it and stick my iPhone in my back pocket.

In the bathroom, I put my hair up in a ponytail on top of my head since I don't feel like dealing with it. And I like putting my hair up because it gives my neck room to breath. I don't know, I think I look better with my hair up instead of down.

I check my phone for the time. Raff should be here any second.

"Chloe, I'm leaving soon!" I shout to the direction of her room, hoping to god she won't come out of her bedroom thats a trillion times bigger than mine.

"Let me see what you're wearing!" She bounces out of her room, making me groan. I actually half expect her to be with a camera like a mom on her kid's first day of school.

I want to scream "IT'S JUST A FUCKING PARTY!" but I don't because I'm a push over when it comes to Chloe and her ways.

"What's wrong with you? Go back to your room, he'll be here any second." I push her slightly.

"No. I wanna see him in person and not on your phone screen. Why do you want to hide him from me?"

My cheeks heat up at my now embarrassing seeming thoughts.

"Well, you're not ugly."

"Oh my god, you're such an idiot. Do you really think I would go for your guy? He's got everything you like, from the long hair to the tattoos. I like normal guys." She chuckles, but I'm still uneasy.

"We're not exclusive. He's not my guy."


Just then, there's a knock at the door. No longer caring about Chloe, I open it. The beautiful Raff stands in my doorway, his luscious dark hair back in a bun with a few strands loose and falling over his face, and his jean jacket on his body, covering a few of his many tattoos. The tattoos on his hand just make me crave his touch even more than I already do. And I don't even want him to touch me in a dirty way, I just want to hold his hand or cuddle with him or have his hand on my knee.

"Hey." He smiles, grabs my waist, and pulls me in for the deepest two second kiss I've ever experienced in my life. I feel dizzy afterwards from the impact. I almost forget my sister is still in the room and pull him for a make out session on the couch.

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