anybody out there?

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Its been like two years since Ive been on here wow hello again. Anybody still here?

I am so very sorry that I left you guys hanging. And with an ending like that. To make a long story short, when I was 13/14, I wasn't allowed to have internet or anything else on my phone. It was purely for callign and texting my family and friends. My parents found out that I could access things other than the phone and messaging apps and I got my phone taken away.

Well, a lot has happened since then. Like a lot a lot. I know way more about life, even though it's only been two years. Life's been an ass and a great friend to me.

Anyway, I read through this story again and the beginning is pretty terrible but it surprisingly got better as I kept reading. I can truly see the potential that 13/14 year old me had as a writer. I haven't been writing at all since then and I'm pretty sure if I started again, it would be just as terrible... but I kind of feel like I need to finish this thing. Are any of you still here to read it?

thighsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ