Thirty Six// Johnny

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March 27, 2015


My heart thumps hard in my chest, and I feel my palms start to clam up. I think Raff can tell that I'm nervous because he looks me in the eyes and says, "You don't have to do this you know..." as he drives me down to his friend's house.

"I know. But I want to." I tell him. He nods, and his eyes move back to the road passing underneath us.

After a few turns, we're at Johnny 's place, where there are three cars in the driveway and two on the street. All of them are beat up and dirty, except for one Honda that's black and shiny. I have a strong instinct that that car belongs to Johnny.

Raff holds my hand tight, not minding the sweat, as we approach the front door, which he doesn't even knock on before entering the house. The smell of pot and booze fills my nostrils right away, making me cough and almost gag. It's so awful, it makes my eyes water. But Raff isn't affected by the horrid stench at all.

"The guys are in the living room, I bet." Raff guesses, letting go of my hand and wrapping his arm around my wide waist . The closer we get to the nasty smell, the more my legs become heavy with resistance and I decide to tell Raff that I want to go home. But by the time I make that decision, we're already in the large room where, as Raff suspected, the "gang" is.

Raff clears his throat, catching the small crowd of seven people's attention. Through the smoke, my eyes skim through the room, looking at everyone's faces. They pass a guy with dark coffee colored skin, and start to keep moving along, but then they backtrack. I stare at the man for a while, trying to decide if he's really who I think he is.


Now I know for sure it's who I think it is. Tommy, my ex boyfriend. The guy who I've gotten the farthest with. The guy everybody seems to know about.

"How do you know Aspen?" Raff asks Tommy. Its like two worlds clashing together; the world I want to let go of, and the world I'm just starting to get used to. I hate it. Quite frankly, it's awkward.

"He's my ex." I whisper.

"The one you sucked off?!" Raff whisper shouts, resulting in the whole room hearing, and sharing small snickers like eighth graders.

"Yes, shut up." I demand, my face growing hot and red.

"You're dating my best friend?" Tommy asks me, batting at the smoke coming from a joint in the ginger's hand to see my face better. The ginger sits in a sofa chair, staring at me with a smirk.

"Yeah." I quietly say, glancing up at Raff who carries an expressionless face.

Tommy opens his mouth to say something to me, but is cut off by the ginger. "Oi, Raff, I never knew you had a fat fetish!"

Automatically at his words, I know for sure he's talking about me. My heart sinks and I drop my eyes to the floor.

Instead of yelling or throwing punches like you see in the movies, Raff calmly and collectively states, "Aspen is the most sexiest human being I've ever laid my eyes on. You're just jealous that I can get a girlfriend as attractive as her, and you can't." he pulls me closer to him, his pointer finger tapping mindlessly on my hip. Meanwhile, Tommy is still staring at me like his dead mother just popped out from the cemetery. It makes me feel bad that I broke up with him. But it was for the best. All he wanted was sex and I wanted a committed boyfriend.

"Plus, Aspen is great in bed. Her hands can do wonders." Raff says. In another situation, I would be furious, but the humor that I detect in his voice prevents any anger from heating me. I'm actually glad that Raff and I can joke like this just between me and him.

"Lets go, baby. Fuck you, Johnny." Raff smiles, faking sweetness, as he points to the ginger, who I've just now learned is Johnny.

I give a small smile to Tommy, to which he responds with a small wave and a tight lipped grin, and Raff and I get the hell out of there within less than five minutes of being in. As soon as we're out the door, the two of us bust into laughter.

"I can't believe you said those things!" I say, not mad, but amused. Lightly, I push him away from me as we laugh and walk to his car.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. You're not angry with me, are you?" Raff looks at me, as he tries to stop himself from chuckling but ultimately fails.

"Of course not! That was so funny..." I tell him as I get in the car, Raff getting in on the other side.

As soon as the radio turns on, some Pearl Jam song comes on, to which Raff jams to as he drives me home.


haha what is this chapter it's not even 1k words I'm so sorry

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