Forced to buy a vampire slave -chapter 49-

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Chapter 49:

Dr. Carter really had nothing useful to say, all he said was it mostly likely was a bad flu and to get a lot of rest and blah blah blah.

I didn't like going to the doctor and in this case it was really unnecessary because he didn't do anything.

He told me nothing was wrong with me except I had slightly high blood pressure and something else.

I don't know I didn't pay attention.

He also said to take Tylenol or Advil for the pain.

I have. It doesn't work.

So he said he'd give me a prescription for some pain killers; thank Jesus.

Corey came back with me even though I said he didn't have to.

He looked uninterested and depressed most of the time except for when I glared at the Doctor and he smiled faintly.

I think he likes it when I don't like people; it's like coming to the dark side.

We had to wait 45 minutes for the prescription to be filled so we had time to kill.

Corey stuck his hands in the pockets of his black jeans as we walked to the car from the doctor's office.

He was wearing a gray cotton T-shirt that had dark brown sleeves and a collar in which connected to the two small buttons that he left undone.

And for a change he was wearing a pair of off-blue suede shoes. A nice change from his usual black shoes.

But of course in my opinion I would think he looked dead sexy in anything he wore and today's clothes were no different.

In fact I was thinking about just how attractive he looked as we made our way to the car parked a few yards from the building.

"So what are we going to do while we wait for the medicine?" Corey asked, looking over to meet my eyes as I was already looking at him.

I shrugged, glancing at the gray pavement as my green Doc Marten boots scuffed across it.

I'd changed out of my sweatpants and into a pair of red and black plaid skinny jeans with 'The Beatles' patches scattered across them as they were tucked into my worn-out boots.

Some of the patches were starting to peel off from where there were originally ironed on and I had put safety pins on the corners of them to keep them from coming off all the way.

I had on a pair of sunglasses that I hardly wore because they were my favorite.

They were the round 'hippie' sunglasses that John Lennon wore all the time.

I pushed the thin wire-framed glasses back up the bridge of my nose as I lifted my head back up, looking out of the blue-tinged glass.

Corey had commented when I put them on saying I was obsessed with John Lennon.

I disagreed saying he was only my idol.

"I think we should get something to eat." Corey claimed. "You still haven't ate."

I nodded. "Okay."

We reached the car and Corey opened the door for me.

I got in and he closed the door, the door to the driver's side opening seconds later as he got inside, starting the car up.

"So where do you want to eat?" He questioned, backing the car out of the parking spot we were in.

"I don't know nothing really sounds appetizing."

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