Forced to buy a vampire slave- chapter 43-

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Drake stood there looking at me. "Uh, hello? Bells?"

I looked at him. "Yeah?" I answered distantly.

"Why aren't you getting ready?" He asked.

"Because-" My eyes went to Corey who was looking at me calmly.

"-we're not getting married."

Drake laughed. "Very funny, now come on, Mom's getting anxious." He smiled.

"Drake, I'm serious."

His smile faded to an apprehensive expression. "Wha-why? When did this happen? Why?"

I ignored his questions; mainly because I didn't know how to answer them.

I stood up. "I should go tell Mom."

"Bells, what the hell?" His voice sounded confused and slightly panicked. "Corey, what's going on?" He turned to him.

Corey looked at him, completely relaxed. "We broke up."

"What?! Are you kidding, please tell me you're kidding?"

"You're more upset than she was."

"Why are you breaking up? Today of all days?"

Corey shrugged, taking a drink of the coffee. "I realized something I should have a long time ago."

"And what's that?" Drake asked mockingly.

"It's not really important."

"The hell it isn't. Did you break up with her?"

Corey nodded.

Drake stared at him. "Wow, Corey, I guess I misjudged you."

I walked out of the room, making my way down the steps.

The world seemed foggy, like I wasn't really here, living.

I stopped at the bottom of the steps, taking a few breaths to clear my head.

There was a mixture of emotions surging through me at the moment; mostly confusion that was starting to become a dull aching pain.

I felt like I wanted to cry, I could feel the tears at the brink of my eyes.

"Arabelle? There you are." My mom's voice chimed.

I looked over, seeing her walking towards me, a slight smile on her face. "Good morning, dear. How do you feel?"

Horrible at the moment.

"Fine." I replied, smiling weakly.

"Good. Now once you get showered we're start on your hair and makeup, I've-"

"Mom," I interjected.


"I...there's not going to be a wedding." I stated.

She looked at me blankly. "What do you mean?"

"Corey...he broke up with me." The words sounded strange as I said them outloud.

"Why?" She questioned concernedly.

I leaned my head back against the wall. "I'm sorry." I muttered hopelessly.

"What? Why are you sorry, dear?"

"I didn't listen to you-or Dad. And you went to all this trouble..."

I cut off, squeezing my eyes shut as the words got stuck in my throat.

"Oh sweetie," she hugged me. "Don't worry about it, its not your fault."

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