Forced To Buy A Vampire Slave - Chapter 37-

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Chapter 37:

I couldn't even tell what color the walls were because there were so many posters on them.

From one end to the other, the posters and pictures ripped out from magazines were plastered over every inch of the walls.

There was a full-sized bed on the north wall made-up with a plaid comforter and white sheets.

There was a pair of raggedy combat boots at the end of the bed that was somewhat resembled the pair I was wearing.

There were stacks of cd's everywhere, and a cd player atop a stack of magazines on a low table.

Pieces of clothing were strewn everywhere and some were overflowing out of the dresser on the west wall.

Corey inhaled deeply as he looked around the room that use to be his.

I could certainly see this being his room.

The room was lit by a few lamps placed at different areas of the room.

I could tell by the look in Corey's eyes that he was distant; reliving a thousand different memories from his past.

I idly wondered what his life had been like before, when he was living here.

Does he miss it? I mused to myself.

It didn't seem like he did but then again he was very good at hiding his emotions.

Except for his love for me, he was quite adamant about his feelings for me.

He walked to the bed and sat down, looking at the leather jacket that was laying on the bed beside him.

He picked it up, looking at all the pins that were attached to it.

I was hesitant; I felt like he should be left alone but I wasn't sure where to go...

I leaned against the wall, still by the door, with my hands behind my back.

I looked down, dully inspecting the carpet below my feet.


I looked up at Corey slowly. "Yeah?" I replied.

"You seem uncomfortable." He said softly.

Was it that obvious? I thought.

He gestured for me to come over; I pushed away from the wall and walked over to the bed.

He pulled me onto the bed beside him and smiled gently at me.

"Ya know I realized I haven't told you much about my past really at all." He stated.

I nodded slightly.

"Would you like to know some things about my past?"

I nodded again.

He breathed a laugh. "Okay, well, let's see..." He mused, trailing off.

A sudden question popped into my head. "Why are you so uncomfortable around your family?"

He looked at me. "Oh, uh, I...we didn't leave things on a good note you could say."

"Care to explain?" I inquired hesitantly, not sure if he wanted too or not.

"Uh, sure, well first of all you should know that before I was a slave, I lived a normal life. Like, I mean we pretended be humans."

I couldn't hide the confused look on my face.

"No one knew we were vampires," He explained. "We moved here after the war was over and so my parents came up with the idea, since we were new here and no one knew us that we could pretend to be humans and therefore none of us would end up as slaves."

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