Forced to buy a vampire slave-chapter 51-

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Sorry it took so long! very sorry!

Chapter 51:

I stared at Corey; my mind not wanting to comprehend what was going on.

"Did you do something?" I asked him.

"What? You think I turned you into a vampire?" He questioned.

"Well, yeah,"

"Oh that's nice! Thank you for having so much trust in me." His wry voice dripped with sarcasm.

"Well what did you expect? You just randomly came in here and claimed I was a vampire so."

"That doesn't mean I did it."

"Well you were asking those questions..."

"You seriously think I would do something like that?"

I debated in my head for a moment. "...No."

"Good." He stated. "I would never do anything like that. Especially not without your permission."

"Okay, so how did it happen?"

"I believe your Mother's parents were vampires."

"That's not possible." I claimed.

"How is not?"

"Wouldn't that mean that my Mom would be a vampire?"

"Not necessarily," He explained. "-When vampires have kids the vampire genes get past on to them but in some it's there but it lays dormant- it doesn't do anything. Though it's rare that that happens it still is possible. It's almost like a virus you're born with and it's either active or it isn't. So your Mother would have that virus in her and it would've past on to you where in your case it's active."

"But wouldn't it have come up before-My Mom's parents being vampires?"

He shrugged. "Maybe it would look bad if the Queens parents were vampires, maybe she didn't want anyone to know. Everyone probably would have jumped to the conclusion she was a vampire, like you did."

"You put a lot of thought into this."

He tilted his head slightly. "I was bored."

I bit my lip, my eyes searching his.

My attention was pulled away from him when I heard the door bell chime.

"Expecting someone?" He inquired.

I nodded. "A friend."

"It may not be best to be around people."


He shrugged simply. "It's just your going through the change from human to vampire right now. You tend to experience odd...feelings during it."

I gave him a questioning look.

"For example; your sex drive will be higher-"

I interjected. "Why?"

He sighed. "You didn't even let me finish. Vampires naturally have higher sex drives and during the change it tends to be even...worse."

"I think I can control myself."

"Well that's not the only thing I was referring to."

"Well?" I prompted.

"You might experience some feelings of...wanting to...bite someone."

I laughed. "Thanks for the warning."

"I'm serious."

I walked past him, out of the bathroom.

"Don't look at their necks, it makes it worse." He claimed.

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