Chapter 45: Funeral!

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A week passes since I felt numb again. The only person that was there for me when the world turned against me is no more. I know I have my brothers and stepbrothers but can I really lean on them after what they did to me all this time. They won't just get my trust, they have to earn it and let me tell you earning my trust is not easy.

"Evy are you ready?" Emmanuel peeks through the door.

Right. Today is the funeral. 

"Yeah" I say and wipe my tears away. Manny comes in and hugs me.

"We're going to be fine." He says.

"I know. It's just hard to think that he is not going to be there. That he won't pick my phone calls or answer my texts right away. It's hard that I can't ever see him or hug him or even say that I love him." I say.

"I know! But he will always watch over us." He says.

That bullshit about people watching over you is not supposed to make you feel better. It just reminds you that they are farther away and slowly fade away.

 I pull away from the hug.

"Come on, let's go!" He says with a sad smile.

"Did you get in touch with aunt or uncle?" I ask.

"No! We tried but we got no contact with them." He says.

It has been a week and we got no contact from our aunts and uncles and my cousins are already panicking.

I get outside and my devil cousin shows herself.

"Everly can I talk to you?" She asks and that surprises me. She has never wanted to talk to me alone that to willingly.

"Uh..sure. You go ahead I'll join you!" I say to Manny.

I go inside my room and Ava follows me and closes the door.

"Look Ava, I don't have the energy to fight with you--" I start but she interrupts me.

"I'm sorry!" She says. Wow! She is in full surprises today.

"What?" I ask.

"I am sorry for how I treated you. I shouldn't have told your brothers about your anorexia and I shouldn't have treated you that way. I was just jealous of the way your brothers treated you since my brothers completely forgot about." She says. For a seven year old she spoke pretty maturely. Her brother, I haven't see those cousins in almost a year but I know how it feels to be forgotten by your brothers.

"It's alright. I understand." I say and she smiles at me.

"You know, I always wanted an elder sister to talk about boys!" She says and we both laugh.

"Your seven." I say.

"It is the 21st century, does age really matter?" She asks.

I laugh.

"Come on. Let's go!" I say and I push her small body out and the doorbell rings and I go to answer it.

"Caleb! Joshua!" I say and hug them.

"Ev!" They hug me back.

"You idiots! Where were you for one year?" I ask after pulling away from the hug.

"College!"They say together. Twin thingy.

"Caleb? Joshua?" Ava says from behind me.

"Hey baby sis! Long time no see!" Caleb says and smiles at her.

"You morons? Where did you go for a year?" She yells and we all flinch.

"Don't curse!" Joshua says.

"Shut up!" She says. Really like the badass little sister.

"You know we were in college." Caleb says.

"What college doesn't allow you to call your sister?" She asks.

"I'll leave you to it." I say.

They both plead me with their eyes.

"I am on you lil sister's side!" I say and go to the backyard where both there pictures are set and many other.

"You alright?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah!" I say and he pulls me into his embrace.

I am not complaining but what is it with these people hugging me whenever they see me.

We pull away from the hug and the memorial starts. I don't shed a tear and neither do my brothers. I think we've always been the privet criers.

After the memorial finishes. People come to us with their condolences. I hate it when people show me pity.

Someone comes to my side and I turn to see Xan.

"What to go get out of here?" He asks.

He knows me too well.


I take his hand and he leads me out.

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