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"baby come here" she says nodding twords the trees. i nod and take her hand getting up. we go pretty far in and she pushes me against a tree. i giggle as she starts to kiss my neck. i tilt my head and put my hands in her hair. she holds my waist and leaves marks.

I smile and moan as she starts massaging my crotch with one of her hands. "uh~ liz god-" i moan and she pulls down my pants and undies. i gasp and look around. "liz not here" i moan as she starts to massage my clit. "no one can see us, you just gotta stay quiet~" she coos and kisses my jaw. i moan and try to spread my legs more. she laughs and starts to rub my clit faster and harder.

I moan loudly and she covers my mouth with her other hand. "shh baby" she says rubbing fast. i moan into her hand and my eyes roll back. "i don't want anyone else to even hear you, you're all mine" she whispers and I feel my face heat up even more. after a bit i feel my stomach knot up and I squeeze my eyes shut and my mouth hangs open behind her hand.
I moan loudly and cum drooling all over her hand. she grins and licks her fingers. i lean against the tree and she wipes her hand that was against ny mouth on her jeans. my legs are shaking and I'm breathing heavily. she smiles and pulls up my pants.

"i-i can help you just wait a sec" i say and she smiles softly. "don't worry about it baby" she says and holds me close. i hug her and smile. once i calm down she kisses me. "lets go back yeah?" she asks and i nod. we go back and sit at the table with them. they're talking about a vacation of some kind.

I lean against liz as she talks with them. we go home, the most sober guy drives. we end up getting to the school safely. Liz drives me home on her bike. we kiss goodbye then I go to my room.


I just had dinner with my mom and i go to my room and lay down. I get a text and i pick up my phone. i open the text and blush sitting up looking at it. its a picture of liz laying in bed shirtless! and braless! in panties! I bite my lip and take off my shirt and bra. i open my camera and take a few pictures then I find the best and send it to her.

jenny💗: sorry if its bad I've never done that before,,

liz🖤: bad? holy shit ill be using it later

I blush and smile giggling. i look at her picture then take off my pants and panties slowly. i lay back run my hand down my stomach closing my eyes. i pretend its liz and i start to rub my clit.


after I cum I lay on my stomach panting. i turn off my phone and catch ny breathe relaxing.


I get off my motor cycle and walk up to jennys front door. i knock and her mom answers it soon after. "hello liz. I think she's upstairs" she says smiling. I nod and come in. i take off my shoes then walk upstairs. i open her door and blush at the sight. shes on her stomach shirtless, and and her legs are tangled in the sheets. shes completely naked!! I bite my lip and see her phone open to my nude. i smirk then close the door and lock it then turn off her phone and put it on the nightstand. i look over her beautiful body and rub her back softly.
I smile and take off my jeans then get into bed with her. i smile at her beauty and kiss her back. i yawn and decide to sleep, i didn't sleep last night. i wrap my arm around her then fall asleep.


I wake up and stretch then see liz sleeping next to me. I blush remembering last night and I put my hands in my face. she must of came this morning god thats so embarrassing. I carefully crawl over her and go through my drawers. i pull out panties and put them on then I pull out a baggy teeshirt and put it on. i crawl back in bed and cuddle up to her.

she wraps her arms around me and pouts. "what?" i ask smiling. "i prefer you without a shirt" she says and i giggle then kiss her. she puts her hands up my shirt then rubs my back holding me close. i lay my head on her chest and smile closing my eyes.

"so you enjoyed my picture?" she asks and i blush. "y-yeah" I say and she kisses my head. "i enjoyed your's too~" she coos and I smile then kiss her chest. "youre so beautiful" she says and rubs my back more. i blush and smile up at her. "so are youuu" i say and she grins then kisses me.

"what should we do today?" i ask and she shrugs then kisses my head. "we could have a picnic" i say grinning up at her. she chuckles, "sure its perfect weather" she says and i nod. we kiss then get up and get dressed. we go downstairs anr pack up a picnic in my moms old picnic basket. we put in the blanket then we put on our shoes.

we go outside and get on her motercycle. she puts on her helmet and i strap up the basket then get on behind her holding onto her waist. she takes off and i lay my head on her back relaxing. she parks at a park and gets off. i get off and she puts her helmet down. i kiss her then smile, "im so excited" i say and she smiles then kisses me, "me too baby, lets go" she says getting the basket. we walk to a shady tree and we lay down the blanket.

we put the basket in the middle then sit down across from eachother. we take out our sandwiches and start eating. "you excited for thanks giving?" i ask and she shrugs taking a bite. "my uncle and I haven't really done much for it before" she says after swallowing. "you can come over to my house if you want" i say thdn take a bite. she nods smiling, "ill see if I can, the boys might plan something" she says and i nod smiling. once we finish our food we lay on the picnic blanket and look at the clouds. it looks like its gonna rain today. i look over at liz and her eyes are closed. i smile and scoot closer to her. she wraps her arms around me and i close my eyes sighing happily.

after a while someone kicks my side and I groan looking up. its Eva!? oh my god. liz sits up then looks at her and me. she stands up and puts her hair in a low bun. "what do you not understand about i dont have feelings for you!?" she says and walks up to her. Eva looks up at her and punches her in the face. i jump and cover my mouth. Liz wipes her bleeding nose then grabs evas hair and punches her right in the nose. my eyes widen as they fight and i start to cry. why am i crying!?

after a bit liz pushes eva to the ground roughly. "dont ever touch my girlfriend again" she says then kicks her in the side like she did to me. eva scrambles off and liz sighs taking out her bun. I wipe my eyes and look up at her standing up. "are you ok oh my god" i say and cup her cheek. she smiles down at me and i wipe her busted lip with my thumb.

"you should not have done that" i say and hug her. she hugs me and chuckles, "you think id let her get away with kicking you?" she asks and i smile into her shoulder.

once we get to my house we go up to my room. it starts to rain and I smile at the noise. liz goes into my bathroom and I follow her in. she leans close to my mirror and looks at her face. i look at her bruised knuckles and frown. i get a wash clothe and wet it then i have her face me. i wipe the droed blood from her nose and lip. i feel her nose making sure its not broken then I smile feeling its not.

I wipe the rest of her face from dried blood and then wipe up her knuckles. "how are you so good at fighting?" i ask looking up at her. "practice, the guys don't like fighting girls so i do it" she says and i laugh. "makes sense" i say then put some medicine on her scratches. "do you want to be a doctor?" she asks and i shrug. "maybe" i say and then kiss her softly. "what do you want to be?" i ask and she shrugs. "mafia leader" she says and we laugh.

"lets go" i say and go in my room. i pull on my yellow rain boots and then my black wind breaker. she smiles and we go outside. i look up at the sky and twirl around. she laughs and does the same. she holds my hips and i hold her shoulders then we dance around smiling.


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