𝟙𝟙|𝕊𝕒𝕞 𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖

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Sitting behind the counter of your parents' comic book store reading vampires everywhere the comic book your brothers made you study.

You love them but they can be pain in the asses sometimes. "Psst Alan." I whisper to my brother. He hums at me and I point to the boy who just walked in. He was wearing some strange clothing. that I had never seen anyone wear before. Maybe it was just people inside Santa Carla who didn't wear stuff like that. I shrug it off and follow after my brother. 

"Got a problem guys? Oh and girl." The boy asks. I roll my eyes at my brother's response. "Just scopin' out your civillian wardrobe." The boy grabs the sides of his blazer and spreads it out a little. "Pretty cool huh?" He says as he smirks a little. "For a fashion victim." Alan says. I shake my head a little and walk away from my brothers and the boy. I grab a box of comics from the back and take them out to put on the shelves. I can hear the boy critiquing my brothers and I's way of putting out the comics. Out of the corner of my eye i can see Alan's mouth curl up into a snarl. 

"What's up with those two?" the boy asks me as Edgar and Alan chase a guy who stole a comic. "My brothers? Oh they're always like that I wouldn't pay them that much attention, honestly." I say shrugging. "I'm Sam, Sam Emerson." he says holding his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Y/N, Y/N Frog." I say shaking his hand and smiling at him. 

A few days later i'm getting some clothes out of my closet with my towel wrapped around me tightly after getting out of the shower. Edgar barges his way into my room without even knocking. "EDGAR! Towel, knock." I exclaim glaring at him. "Y/N, no one cares, no." He responds mockingly. "Come on, mom and dad wants all three of us down there to open up with them." I roll my eyes at his words. "So basically they want all three of us down there so they can go to sleep again?" I ask, Edgar nods and leaves telling me to be quick. 

After I was ready my brothers, our parents and I all made our way to the boardwalk. We open up shop and our parents go straight to sleep. typical, I shake my head and grab a box of comics and put them out, whilst my brothers help some customers. After about an hour of the comic book store being busy we had some free time so we were chilling out having a conversation, when Alan noticed something, or someone, walking into the store, he taps Edgar and Edgar gets my attention. I follow my brothers after them telling me everything they believed and showed my some evidence. 

The boy ignores us, then starts walking we all follow. "Notice anything unusual about Santa Carla yet?" Alan asks. "No it's actually a pretty cool place, if you're a martian." "Or a vampire." Edgar states. "Are you guys sniffing old news print or something?" "You think you really know what's happening around here don't you? Well i'll tell you something you don't know shit buddy." Edgar says. "Yeah, you think we just work at a comic book store for our folks huh?" Alan says once again following Sam who had walked off. 

"Actually I thought it was a bakery." "This is just our cover, we're dedicated to a higher purpose, we're fighters for truth, justice and the American way." Edgar states tapping Sam with a comic. "All right." Sam states sarcastically. "Hey Sam, read this." I say taking the comic out of Edgar's hand and passing it to Sam. "I told ya, I don't like horror comics." "Think of it more as a survival manual, there's our number on the back and pray that you never need to call us." Alan says. "I'll pray... I never need to call ya. Sure." Sam says. My brothers and I start to walk away, I smile to Sam as i pass. 

Evening came around fast. Alan and I were helping some customers whilst Edgar was behind the counter. The phone rings and all of us look at it. After we helped the last of the customers Alan and I rush over. "You did the right thing, calling us. Does your brother sleep alot?" Edgar says. I tune out the conversation until my brothers hang up. "What happened?" I say. "We told him to grab a stake and kill his brother." Alan says. "He refused." Edgar says rolling his eyes.

"You idiots obviously he's gonna refuse it's his brother. If someone told you to kill me would you?" I ask. They both look at me. "Don't you ever ask us that again you know we could never kill you." Alan says glaring slightly. "Exactly. So why expect someone else to kill their own brother?" I say and walk away from my idiot brothers and to our house.

The next day I arrive at the comic book store just after opening and see Sam there. I haven't spoken to my brothers since the night before. I give a smile to Sam and walk into the store and straight to the back room. I grab a box of comics and start to put them out. "Kill your brother you'll feel better." Is he serious? After last night? I slam the comics back into the box and take them into the back room.

"Hey Y/N are you ok?" Sam asks me as I come back out. "Yeah just my brothers are major idiots." I say shaking my head. "Hey I was wondering if you would be with your brothers when they come to my house to test to see if Max is the head vampire." He asks. I shake my head slightly. "Yeah I'll be there." I say. He smiles and leaves the store. I spend the rest of the day ignoring my brothers.

Soon we are off to Sam's house for the test. We all meet Michael and I see the looks run through the family. I still haven't spoken to my brothers. "Hey mom." We walk into the room and see Lucy kissing Max. Barf. "These are my dinner guests. Edgar, Alan and Y/N the Frog siblings." He says gesturing to each of us with his head.

"Oh I didn't know you were having guests." Lucy says. "Well mom you know if we're in your way we can go eat some peanut butter outta the jar in the kitchen." Sam says. "No there's enough for everybody. Uh Max this is my son Sam and uh Edgar, Alan and    Y/N Frog?" We all nod our heads and 'hm' at the same time.

Dinner doesn't go as we planned. Max wasn't the head vampire. My brothers and I were disappointed. "Hey. I know this is a bad time. But would you maybe wanna go out for dinner some time on the board walk?" He asks you. You smile and nod at him. "Perfect timing there Sammy boy, but sure i'll go out with you. How about tomorrow? 8?" You say and kiss his cheek. He nods and you bid him goodbye as you leave to go home. 

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