🦋 Good Times 🦋

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I looked out at the beach from the boardwalk not saying a word. It's really hard, harder than I can imagine.

I've loved this place for so long. I never want to leave. But unfortunately, plans change and people change. The club talent show is a big deal for Sharpay. Oops wrong fandom.

But in all seriousness I will miss this place. "Meg? Why have you called all of us here?" David asks as he struts over. "Hey guys." I smile sadly. "Are you okay?" Alan asked as he saw the sadness on my face.

"I'm okay. I need to tell you all something." I state, they all look at me urging me to carry on. "I've had a great time with you guys, I really have." "Why are you saying this?" Marko asked.

"Because times have changed." "We haven't." Paul spoke up, crossing his arms. Even though Paul was a little ditzy at times he knew what was happening. "I know you guys haven't. I also know you never will."

I sigh tears rushing to my eyes, looking at them face to face made me not want to go but I have too. For a little while at least. "I'm sorry, I just don't have time to stay anymore, I've got so much I need to do. So much I need to complete. I promise I'll come back but right now. I need to leave."

"No." "What do you mean no?" "No, you can't leave." Edgar speaks up, I wasn't expecting him too as we've had a rocky friendship. "I have to." "Meg you can't please." Star cuts in. "I hate being the only female." "Star I'd love to stay." "But you don't have the time." Alan cuts in.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, you've got a lot you need to do." David assures, I knew he had a soft side. No one was around it was just myself, the Frog brothers, the Emerson brothers, Star and The Lost Boys. I'd told Star not to bring little Laddie with her, I knew it would hurt the most to say goodbye to him, he's only a little boy.

"Will you come back?" Michael asked holding Star, who looked like she was about to burst into tears, I nodded. "Eventually, who knows it may be soon. It could be quicker than you think. I just need to sort some other things out before I carry on my time here." I tell them, tears flowing slowly down my cheeks.

"We'll wait for you, you know that right?" "Of course I know that Dwayne." "Good."

Well this was it. "We've had some good times. The time I punched David when we were working on the stories because he was annoying me." "Which really hurt by the way. How are you so damn strong?" I laugh shaking my head. "The time Sam and I threw up after riding the rollercoaster seven times in a row. Reading comic books with the Frog Brothers and training to fight vampires. Going on your guys' motorcycles. I will never ever forget any of you."

I take a shaky breath and carry on. "David, you taught me to be a true asshole. I'm just kidding stop glaring at me, you taught me to do whatever the fuck I want no matter what anyone thinks.

Paul, you taught me to be whoever i wanna be no matter how people judge me.

Dwayne, you taught me that being quiet can always be the best way to keep those who do not have good intentions away.

Marko, you taught me to be extra no matter the circumstances.

Edgar and Alan, you taught me to fight for what you believe in even if people put you down for it.

Sam, you taught me that even if you're scared sometimes you're some of the bravest people.

Star, you taught me that family is important blood or not.

Michael, you taught me to protect the ones you love. Even if they annoy the shit out of you."
Everyone laughed at that. A cry rang through the air yet it wasn't mine.

It was Star. She'd become a really good friend of mine. "Awh Star." I sigh and hug her. Next I moved onto Michael. "Keep fighting kid." He whispered before he let go. I hugged Sam, who gripped me really tight. "I'll miss you." He sighed.

Up next was Edgar and Alan. Edgar rocketed into my arms. "Just as we became good friends." "Don't worry I'll be back to annoy you again one day." I laugh at his expression. "Keep Edgar in check." I giggled as I hugged Alan, who only nodded in response.

I hugged Paul, Dwayne and Marko giving them a squeeze. Lastly was David. "I can't believe you're leaving." "I'll be back I promise." I cross my fingers over my heart. "You guys will always be with me in my books, in my head and most importantly in my heart." I say.

"Remember the reader will always be here." I say gesturing towards the person reading this. "Thank you for reading I appreciate you so much. Don't worry I won't forget about this book. I'll be back." I smile at you.

"I'll miss you. But this is how it has to be. Goodbye guys." I smile as tears drip onto my shirt. They all wave as I walk over to my motorcycle. I look at them one last time, one last longing glance and ride off.

Time for a new adventure to begin.

The Lost Boys Imagines + Prefrences. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt