Sacrifices of Sapphire

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And then, in my silence,

Heart shares,

The whispers of Forever;

Our Forever...!

The wait which had been so long, is finally ended!

Someone's Forever


She left, to be forgotten like one dream of afternoon,

She left, with a hope to never turn around,

She left, only to realize what she lost, which was never hers'

She left because she knew...

Until the fantasy comes to chase her with the shadows of unknown unsaid,


With her heart, hope, her Miracle!


In between the hustles of life, where we fear to weave the sand castle of desire,

Her fantasy of imagination, comes true when her Miracle comes back,

But not alone...

With her hopes; will come a new tussle, with her ray of miracle, come a shade of murk;

As the Queen will be tested on her path of throne, Luna will fight harder for her Alpha.

The harder, the darker, the more significant battle will be tested, the destiny will be tested, so will they!

Because now, the real mystery begins...!

Gidiera have to face fate!

- Sacrifices of Sapphire, Book 2 in the journey of Gidiera's Someone's Forever



INKITT (Early Updates)

WATTPAD (A Little After)

Wattpad is the place where it all started, Someone's Forever can never stay away from this platform; so, they'll be here like always have been! I won't take it away but continue to add pieces to make it whole...


I'd like to thank each and every reader on Wattpad for reading, waiting, encouraging, motivating me for all this time; it's because you had faith, I could make it here.

Thank you, truly!

So, let's continue from where it had been waiting for us...!

How is the first look, what do you think?


Available on Both Sites, with Exclusive Excerpt. Add it to library for Prompt Updates, on INKITT as well as on WATTPAD

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August 3, 2020

Someone's ForeverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin