58. A Celebration so Special

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 When the wind of love is blowing around;

My heart seeking the shelter of my beloved.

Yet again the lap of mom has became my companion

When the lullaby of my brother's scolding is soothing my soul!


When the wind of love is blowing around;

My heart seeking the shelter of my beloved.

Yet again the lap of mom has became my companion

When the lullaby of my brother's scolding is soothing my soul!

Neelam Menghani


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[Mystery and Miracle]

Gideon's POV

"Veronica isn't coming?" Theo asked again causing Royce to growl in pure annoyance.

His wolf whimpered in submission.

"No she isn't, Theo. Well her work didn't allow her." Baron answered smoothly.

"How is Revin?" I intervened briskly.

He eyed me with a faint curl on his lips before nodding softly.

"He is fine Majesty. But—" he took an abrupt halt before continuing.

His pause brought us the stress of moment.

"His wolf has already started healing. His wolf is trying to fight to heal him." He sighed in pure resignation.

"What about the sedatives we discussed about?" Theodore asked; my gaze met his attentive figure.

"Yes, I had sedated him in order to slow down the healing process." Baron provided staring at the grass. His eyes showcasing his worry.

Royce growled softly, the Alpha wasn't in approval of their step.

"Sedatives are doing their work on him but his wolf is fighting the sedatives to protect him. It's his natural instincts that his wolf is following."

"But I'm afraid it'll be difficult for him to bear for a long time." He concluded with a resigned sigh.

An atmosphere of tension spread around with his announcement.

I cursed myself for all this.

Apparently Gerard read the grief of my face, as he tried to provide me an assurance.

"He is strong Majesty; we don't have to worry about him."

His attempt was futile, failed to provide me any relief.

"Will he be able to suffer that much?" again Theo threw another query.

"He will Theo. He will." Gerard spoke, his voice grim and eyes lost in his own world.

"I can't understand how he can do this." Theo. muttered in exasperation which was audible enough for a supernatural creature to hear.

His eyes displayed his realization for his mistake as he raised his apologetic eyes.

Someone's ForeverOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz