3. Past, Present and Future

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Hello Beautiful Souls,

First of all a huge Thank You to ALL OF THE READERS.

I am dedicating this chapter to my Baby Brother, Prince . This chapter was only possible because of him. In fact this whole story couldn't be possible without him.

I love you Bhai, now and Forever....

In this part I am giving you some Glimpse of Niera' Past, Present and her Future.

I have a humble request before you proceed to read the chapter.

"Your story can be Someone's Reality."

Writing this chapter was a difficult task for me and I have given my heart to this chapter.

I respect your views and comments but please refrain giving any NEGATIVE comment for any character or this chapter.

With this let's continue the Journey!


Sir Michael Caine as Sir Gerard Warner



Dreams they take you to the blissful and wonderful world of imagination where all your wishes come true, you live each moment wholeheartedly.

But Dreams are also the place where your dreadful past come back to haunt you.

Sometimes we live the life of living hell, not because we are forced but we have no other choice. The one whom we love and care are stuck in that hell and we are also duty-bound because we are FAMILY...!



Expectation leads to Frustration

Frustration leads to Depression

And Depression leads you to Death....

I wish it could be that easy for us. But no, we were not even blessed with that much kindness from God.

Are we that Bad????

Sitting alone in my bedroom, I can hear Dad yelling and Mom's pleads with him, then shouts back. It was like a daily routine for us. Dad getting drunk, talk nonsense, blames mom or us for stupid things and then if we are lucky, he drowns himself in alcohol for the rest of night. And if not, mom has to bear his entire wrath.

He yells at her, throw things and scatter glasses everywhere. Sometimes He hurt her. In fact most of the time...

They didn't even bother to turn the television on before they slammed their bedroom door shut.

I stood up, pick up the remote and turned the television on as I didn't want my baby brother to hear all this. I am used to all this but I don't want him to listen the 'Episodes of Crashing...!'

The sound of television is quite loud, but it's not loud enough to cover their fighting.

I went back to sit with my brother and lifted him on my lap.

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