24. And He Found Her

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For My Brother who taught me The Truth of Life....



(.Ø.)  Gideon and Royce call Niera as 'Miracle'.

(.Ø.) 'Bold' dialects are from Royce

            'Italic' dialects are from Gideon

            'Bold and Italic' is Niera's 'Special' Talent

(.Ø.) This chapter isn't in continuation of the last one but a little earlier. You'll be clear reading further. Thank you...

Please continue...


"Never give up on someone. Sometimes the answers you are looking for are the same answers another person is looking for. Two people searching together are always better than one person alone."

― Shannon  L. Alder


In the last chapter of Someone's Forever

[A Spark in the Dark]

Sir Gerard's POV

"She gives the real meaning to the word Luna." I proudly announced with splendor.

"She is worried sick for Majesty."

We turned around to meet Revin standing at the threshold, a grim expression lacing his face.

I squinted my brows at his greeting statement.

"Or apparently, she is dying to know about his whereabouts." He strutted our way.

"We can't do any help until Majesty comes back." Morgan commented grimly.

"What about the plan she is cooking to find that culprit here?" Theodore asked, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. I shook my head at his all wanting to know nature.

"She is brilliant. Her command over her work is impeccable. Even with a little field work experience, she knows this job even small nock are clear to her. No wonder why her firm has chosen her." He praised her, the previous signs of grimace subsiding with a smug.

"She'll very close to her target if we let her do what had planned." He enunciated further, standing a beside Theodore's sofa.

"It will be taken care of. Don't worry." I eyed Theodore who nodded curtly with a smug.

I sweep my gaze around the closed cabin to look over. Veronica's face was asking me so much in her silent eyes. I sigh heavily.

"Dexter will fill your query, Veronica so will yours Morgan." Suddenly I felt exhausted. Every limp of my body started to protest, fighting fatigue, not physically but mentally.

Today turned out to a long eventful day.

Giving a brief glance to the time, I decided to call it a night as I have to be present for the arrival of my Friend.

"Theodore, the reason and brief explanation on Niera's joining has been given to McCoy which soon will pass on to the other. Make sure it stays this way." I commanded him. He gave me a curt nod.

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