82. Damsel in Despair

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Happy New Year!

Rage and anger,

Guilt and shame,

Sorrow and sadness,

Tears and pains,

All together plays the symphony,

Our, Us!


"I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?"

― John Lennon



Sometimes, a moment is enough to break your trust, a trust which takes forever to built.

Sometimes, a sight of reality is enough to crush all your myths, the myths that you felt were real, with all your might.

Sometimes, you just break enough that each part of yours never wishes to become one again.

And sometimes, this sometimes comes once in your life, when all you put yourself into it and feel betrayed because you're betrayed.

My eyes transfix on that bare back as I fight to stable myself, my feet wobbling as I clutch to the tree trunk beside me, my nails dug into its skin, the golden flames dancing in winter breeze, I find a gloomy symphony sounding around me.

He doesn't move, stiff back face away from me. Even the enraged flames seems like they fail to illuminate the night for me.

A shudder escapes me, my eyes flicker to the sprawled figure grunting yet quiet staring at me with wide shock. His eyes cast toward me but lips sealed.

Oh Jerry!

The crimson wound on his shoulder and dripping blood make my heart wrench in pain. But it was—that blow—Gideon!

My startled eyes snap back at him, my unblinking gaze train on him.

So, this is—but how?


My hand on the tree skin tightens, getting my palm scratched with small cuts at my brother's grunt as he made a futile attempt to stand. The pain had overpowered the call.

This whole ruckus is— façade!

Is this Gideon's doing? The powers, is this possible for him?

The thundering heart of mine, going frantic as I fought for very next breath to help me respire and stand.

The wait seems forever before he turn and that agony burn down in flames, he found me—like he has before anyone else, without looking—seeking for me, he announce my presence, has he sensed me?

Someone's ForeverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora