Chapter 25: Teach Me!

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(Warning: There's a slight spoiler I added, it's from the second movie Heroes Rising. It's just a little part from the fighting scene so it's okay to read it ^^)

You've been training with Edgeshot fulltime and today was your second day. You've learned quite a lot and you could already feel the improvements of your strength. But even though he taught you many kinds of basic ninjutsus, you were still desperate to learn the Jougan technique.

"Hey, Kenji," The aforementioned man turned to you with raised eyebrows, "Yes?"

You two were currently sitting on a bench not so far away from the shack. You had some time to relax since Edgeshot was in another mission with the Lurkers.

"Why didn't he teach you?"

His expression dropped then eventually turning to a frown. You just realized that this topic would make him sensitive and less comfortable but you just had to ask him. You wanted to know why Edgeshot's own sidekick didn't get to learn the Jougan technique by his sensei himself. You didn't accept your guess that Kenji wasn't trustworthy nor strong, you were sure that there was a way deeper reason why.

"He said I can't. I was restricted to use that technique, everybody was, except for him and his ninja ancestors. I really wanted to learn it... and I have a reason why," Your brows raised at the last part.

I knew it. Of course there'd be a reason. And now, it's time to find out.

"What is it?"

He paused for a moment before answering, "To be honest... Kahirama-sensei is... my uncle. We're related but I still don't know why he won't teach me. We're supposed to be a family who wields the power of the two ninjutsus. But now, I'm starting to think I'm adopted..."

You felt chills on your spine. That was awful, a family member but was restricted to use a powerful ninjutsu that were supposed to be used by them. And now he was beginning to think he wasn't truly part of their family. For once in your life, you thought maybe you were adopted too. But there was no such proof and you believed you truly were your parents' daughter.

You placed your arm around his shoulder to give him comfort, "Hey, don't you think that's too deep? Try thinking maybe there's another reason other than that? Maybe you're not ready yet. I'm also desperate to learn that damn technique but I guess I'm restricted too. You're strong with your teleportation power and you're awesome. I think he's just afraid you'll become stronger than him," You said sarcastically at the last sentence.

He chuckled at your way of comforting, you rarely did those and it felt kind of good.

"I guess so," His relieving smile came back again and it made your heart lighter, "Think positive thoughts and acknowledge your own potential. Isn't that one of the things that heroes do?" You thought of that as some kind of comforting words, but to him, it was meaningful. It was the first time someone told him to atleast be satisfied with what he has in the meantime. To acknowledge his own potential... you were right. Heroes tend to save people with what they have and might even go beyond their limits. He was too eager to learn that technique that he forgot about his own power. Those words meant everything to him.

At that moment you sounded like a real hero, you just had to act but it felt real. It felt good saying those words to another individual. Comforting a hero like him always felt good. Because every time you do it, the more you realize what it was like to have a normal life... with heroes.

No, no heroes. Only villains... just villains...

"Hey, Y/N, is there someone who inspired you to be a hero? Or maybe someone special?"

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