Chapter 20: Complete

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You had no class today and tomorrow as well. It was a pretty good opportunity to rest but you thought of paying your Dad a visit. It has been a while since you've seen him but of course, he was always busy and probably had no time to check on you.

You could already feel the cold and grim atmosphere the moment you walked through the halls inside of All For One's private agency. You opened his office door and found nothing but his desk and a few more boring office stuff. You went to ask the guard where your Dad was, "He went to the Leage of Villains' hideout."

You decided to go to the League's secret lair without second thoughts. You hated them but they were one of your Dad's so why not get along with them?

You stood in front of the bar which was their hideout and knocked on the door three times but nobody answered. You figured it wasn't locked so you opened it only to see a blonde girl with messy double buns hair and a black guy with electric blue eyes and scarred skin. They both glanced at you with bored but scary eyes. They are villains, they were supposed to look scary after all.

"Oh? Another lost damsel? Aren't I lucky?" The girl cheered as she took out some pointy thing that looks like some kind of injection or something. You weren't really good at medical appliances. She cheerily hopped to you but before she could lay a finger on your body, you used your quirk to stop her on her tracks.

"Eh?" She asked confused, "Where's fath- I mean, All For One?" You asked furrowing your brows. The guy walked to you, sensing that he didn't have any intention to attack, "What do you want from him?"

"It's none of your business," You replied and he cocked an eyebrow, "If you're here for a reason don't you think we should know tha-" He was cut off when a screen suddenly appeared with the phrase 'voice only'.

"Y/N," It caught all of your attentions and you dropped the blonde girl because it would only waste your energy, "What brings you here?" He continued, "I just wanted to visit, that's all," You answered.

"About All Might and his secret loved child or something, I think they have similar quirks. Well, except All Might doesn't break his whole body when he uses his quirk. I still haven't figured out their relation yet but I'll get to the bottom of it. Plus, the most important thing is, I once eavesdropped at one of their conversations. The thing that bothered me most was Midoriya's slight confession. He said he'll make his quirk his. I thought maybe his quirk is borrowed, it makes sense, right Father?" You stated.

"Borrowed quirk... Similar quirks..." He muttered, "Alright, that's big news. I'll also think about it, knowing my rival, I would already find out. You're doing well, daughter. I'm thinking of giving you a reward, plus you ranked second on that sports festival. Tell me, what do you want?"

You grinned and immediately thought of something. All you ever wanted was your father's endless support, comfort, love... you only wanted him to be by your side. But I guess that was not required at all.

"Nothing in particular. But a ride to a nearby cafe would be enough. I'm gonna need some rest after such a tiring day. The hero-wannabes there are pretty strong," You answered. He hummed in response and told a bodygaurd to take you there.

"Bye, Dad." You bid farewell before getting inside the car.

That was pretty quick but I guess he's too busy. But anyway, I'm glad he mentioned about me getting second place in the sports festival. I actually thought he wasn't watching 'cause maybe it was just a waste of his time. Thank you, Dad.

"Ma'am, we're here," The bodygaurd spoke as soon as you arrived at a cafe. You got out of the car and smelled the coffee aroma, it smelled delicious. You opened the glass door and stepped in to the counter and ordered one capuccino before you decided to find a table for yourself. When you finally got your order, you noticed an oh so familiar man. You walked to his table and thought maybe you could join him. He was drinking his Cafe Americano while glancing at the window.

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