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Elijah's POV

After his classes on Friday, Elijah had planned to binge the new season of Stranger Things with May in his lap. He was a college student after all; if it wasn't cramming for exams, it was binging Netflix.

What he hadn't accounted for was Della showing up to their apartment, telling them to get ready.

"No." Eli had said immediately.

"They set up a carnival close to my dorm. Raina said we should go." She explained as she entered the apartment without permission.

"I hate carnivals." Eli informed her, shuddering at the idea of Ferris wheels.

"Well, I don't. So that means you're coming." Della confirmed, entering his room without permission.

She eyed his pyjama pants, frowning and pulling black jeans out of his closet.

"Hey!" He followed her. "Don't touch my stuff."

"Great, then you can get ready on your own." She tossed his jeans at him, stalking out of the room, to wake up Porter and make him get ready too. Not that he needed convincing; he pretty much did anything Della told him to do.

Eli grumbled, knowing there was no point in arguing. He put his jeans on, grabbing a black jacket and throwing it over his AC/DC t-shirt.

He glanced in the circular mirror next to the door, slightly fixing the front of his platinum hair, pushing it back out of his eyes. It flopped back. He sighed. It was hopeless.

He rubbed May's head, closing his bedroom door.

He put on his black converse at the door, grabbing his phone and meeting Porter and Della.

"We walking or driving?" He asked Della.

"You down to drive?" She voiced.

He nodded, grabbing his car keys, and leaving the apartment with his friends.


"What's she doing here?" Eli moaned, childishly, when they arrived at the carnival to meet Della's friends.

Carter stood in front of him, in a coral hoodie, a big grin on her face. It stopped at her hips, he could still see her thighs and her legs in her skinny jeans. Not that he was looking. Just observing. She also had a black backpack on. Finally some good color.

Raina stood next to her, her brown eyes unfocused and tinged red. She was probably high. She liked weed more than Eli liked being an asshole.

Carter was beaming so hard he thought he would be blinded by her smile. His cheeks hurt seeing how hard she was smiling. Was she that excited for a carnival?

"Shut up Eli! She's new here we have to be nice to her." Porter whacked his head, smiling at Carter. What an annoying flirt. Whatever.

Elijah stalked ahead of everyone, buying his tickets, and entering the fair. After doing a quick survey of the area, he came to the conclusion that nothing interested him.

He heard Della excitedly talk about the merry-go-round behind him. He turned back to survey the group, surprised to see Carter already looking at him. He whipped his head back around quickly.

Eli took a seat on one of the benches near the merry-go-round, as his friends and Carter went to line up for it. He placed his earphones in, putting his elbows on the table in front of him, placing his jaw in his palm.

He saw two girls from his peripheral, talking while staring at him before they both started walking towards the bench.

They sat across from him as if that was normal. They looked at him for a minute before the brunette girl pointed to her ears, signalling him to remove his earphones.

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