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Elijah's POV

a/n: please comment and vote! keeps me motivated.

Eli sat in the back with Carter while Porter drove them to NJ.

She had discreetly kept her hand close to his the whole ride and slowly inched it closer to his.

Watching her do it was kind of funny so Eli just grabbed her hand and held it the entire time.

Porter made eye contact with Eli in the car mirror and raised his eyebrows but stayed silent for once in his life.


They checked in as soon as they arrived. Della and Carter were sharing a room but Eli got a room on his own because Porter was spending the night with his bandmates.

Eli helped carry Carter's bag to her room, ignoring Porter's teasing, and then went across the hallway to his own room.

His room had one large bed in the middle and he laid on it until Porter texted him to get ready.

He threw on a grey hoodie under a black Nike windbreaker and black jeans, leaving his room right as Carter was leaving hers.

She was wearing a short blue dress with tights under and Eli's stupid fucking head just wanted to do unspeakable things to her in those tights.

"You're gonna get cold," he directed at her.

"I know, these are Della's clothes," she sighed.

"Where is Del?" He walked ahead of her.

"She said she went to meet Porter before his show or something. Do you want to go together?"

He shrugged and led the way with his eyes on Google Maps to the place Porter was playing at.

When they got there, it was more crowded than he expected. He pushed his way past the people trying to make it to the front.

He turned around, expecting Carter to be right behind him but her short ass wasn't making it through as easily in the crowd.

He sighed and turned back, looping his hand through hers gently and pulling her along with him in the crowd.

He tried to ignore the warm feeling in his stomach with her fingers between his.

When they finally got to the front, Porter was just about to start his set. Eli could spot Della in the backstage corner with a lollipop in her mouth as her eyes trailed behind Porter.

(guys sorry i hate describing music lol so just imagine a live show here and that's it)

Once Porter finished the last song, the crowd yelled again and Eli clapped hard for his friend.

He looked beside him to see if Carter was having a good time but he noticed that she had her arms around her stomach and her eyes downcast.

He leaned his head down and spoke into her ear; "You good?"

She looked up in surprise and nodded at him, her lips turning up in the fakest smile ever and Eli frowned.

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