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Elijah's POV

They had spent the car ride in silence. Eli thought that Carter was probably trying to regain her sobriety through the bumps on the road.

When he parked in front of her building, she inhaled deeply.

He turned off the car and sat there for a minute. When he looked over he could've sworn his heart stopped in his chest.

She was wearing his hoodie, and she had the hood pulled up. A few tendrils of hair had escaped and she had cuffed up the sleeves as they were way too long for her. She looked so cute that Eli considered Milo's words from their group chat for a millisecond.

She looked up at him, but her eyes paused on his arm. More specifically, a newly covered-up tattoo on his arm.

He had made a trip to Charlie the previous day.

"Does it hurt?" She whispered, her eyes were droopy as they focused on his tattoo. She bit her bottom lip and Eli swallowed as he focused on her teeth pushed into her plump bottom lip.

"A little bit yeah" He cleared his throat as her eyes trailed back up to his.

"Tattoos are hot," she informed him rashly.

He smirked. "Yeah? I have plenty."

Her eyes trailed back down to his arm, lingering there before moving up to his t-shirt sleeve where his tattoos disappeared into. "Yeah." She mumbled. "I know."

"They're not that bad if you ever wanna get one," he told her.

Carter laughed at that, "what makes you think I don't already have a tattoo, Goldilocks?"

His eyebrows raised as he recounted what of her body he had seen. She always wore crop tops and he'd seen plenty of her stomach and her arms.

So it was either somewhere on her midriff covered by her bra or somewhere on her hips that were concealed by her shorts when she was in his motel room.

Fuck. Eli suddenly really wanted to know where on her body she had tattooed.

"Where is it?" He whispered.

Carter smirked slightly and she unbuckled her seatbelt. But instead of uncovering a tattoo, she did something worse.

She came closer to him, bending her head down to where his newest tattoo was. And then she fucking kissed it.

Eli whipped his arm back in shock. She smiled up at him. "Guess you'll just have to find out." That's all Eli got before she started putting her shoes on.

Well, she tried to. Eli ended up having to go around to her side and tie her laces for her.

"I'll walk you up to your apartment." He said, letting her go in front of him as he looked around making sure there were no suspicious people around.

"N-no, you don't have t-"

"It wasn't a question. I am walking you to your apartment." He said, his sharp tone leaving no room for argument.

"Okay." Carter slurred as she led him up to the elevator. She was still drunk. That's why she kissed his arm right? Yeah, that's why.

The elevator ride was awkward. She lived on the 8th floor so the whole way up Carter stared at Eli while he stared at her shoes.

Eli had fucked more girls than he could count but for some reason, a simple kiss to his arm had left him flustered? What the fuck man.

Even shoving his tongue down her throat didn't make him this gooey inside.

She led him to the door of her apartment, room 812, and she fumbled to get her keys in the door. Eli grabbed them from her and just opened the door for himself.

She looked at him expectantly.


"Come inside," she gestured.

He hesitated before going in after her. He stopped to take off his shoes, and then he helped her take off her own. He ignored the voice in his head telling him he would never help anyone else this much.

a/n double update, watch for the second chapter in a bit! just editing it

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