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LONG TIME NO SEE, I'm so sorry - I was depressed and stopped writing. Please comment and vote! Love you. Follow me for consistent updates <3

Elijah's POV

Contrary to popular belief, Eli did not like rain. Not only did he have to run through it in the cold dreary December weather to get between classes, but it was also affecting the time he could spend with Carter.

Now that it was cold outside, she had taken it upon herself to spend her time volunteering at homeless shelters and handing out warm meals to people on the street.

The fact that a girl like that wanted to be with him, was astounding.

She was the type of person to overwater plants because she did not know when to stop giving.

Eli was the type of dickhead to hate that about her; her selflessness, because it meant she would give more to other people.

And he wanted everything about Carter for himself, he was fucking crazy about her.

She was all he thought about really. An endless mantra of Carter, Carter, Carter, Carter, Carter, Carter.

It was embarrassing. How a guy who had spent his days wearing black and trudging through life like some emotionless void could be reduced to a guy who let a girl braid his hair and practice eyeshadow on him when she was sad.

He let her take his car that night and had run through the rain to her place to wait on the couch for her to get home like a love-sick puppy.


After finishing yet another episode of Friends, Eli heard the key in the door and sprung up immediately from his lazy sprawled cat-like position. 

He shoved Carter's Hello Kitty teddy bear between the sofa cushions like he hadn't just been cuddling with it pretending it was her (yes, pathetic, he knows).

Carter walked into the room, all pretty and shit, her lips turning up when she saw him.

"Hi, Blondie," she said.

He rolled his eyes at the old nickname, reaching an arm out and pulling her into him with a firm grip on her wrist, flopping back onto the couch with her encircled in his arms.

She buried her head into his chest, and his hands automatically went up to run his fingers through her soft, choppy hair, sighing contently as her soft body lay on top of his.

"How was your day?" She said, softly, turning her head up to stare at him with all that green.

"Garbage without you," he said, nonchalantly. "Yours?"

She let out a bubbly laugh and God he was obsessed with her, "It was okay, I had a class and then I went over to the soup kitchen," she said. "I'm also thinking of getting another tattoo."

He frowned, "you never did show me the one you have." He thought back to all the times they had been intimate and could not recall seeing ink on her body.

She pulled herself up and pushed her hair to the side, showing him the small spot behind her ear.

He grinned when he recognized the small Pikachu lightning bolt, "You're such a nerd," he pressed a firm kiss to the space right under her jaw, close to the tattoo.

She giggled as he trailed his mouth down the column of her neck, pressing more kisses until he nudged his head right in the crook of her neck and shoulder, kissing her there too.

He pushed her into the sofa and kept kissing her lips like a man starved, pressing kisses down her throat desperate to show her his affection the only way he knew how.

Carter stopped him before things got too heated, grabbing his face and pulling him up to her eye level, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead before beckoning him to lean his forehead down against hers.

She did that a lot, if things were going too fast, it's like she needed to have an emotional connection with him along with the physical. Not that he minded. he had never quite been held the way Carter held him. 

She held him with the same level of care and gentleness he had seen her hold his cat with. Even when he would handle her roughly (with her consent), she would always find a way to make it soft again. 

"Yeah," she murmured against his lips, snapping him out of his thoughts,"but I'm your nerd."

He grinned then, letting her see one of his rare smiles before he held her and kissed her some more. 

"Be my girlfriend, Carter," he said between kisses and she froze. 

"You're telling me we haven't been dating this whole time?" She joked, "Of course, I'll be your girlfriend, dork."

He smiled again, and then Eli really showed her how much he really missed her today. 

Because one does not kiss their hot girlfriend without at least getting to third base.



ALSOOOO notice anything different?? >:) i changed the cover for this book! let me know what you think :)

ANDDDD please check out my new book, "Void" on my profile, I JUST STARTED IT. PLEASE SEE THE DESCRIPTION AND AESTHETICS AND LMK WHAT YOU THINK. It's a dual pov mafia romance book lol.

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