(4) The New Kid

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(AU where Ahkmenrah's an Egyptian Transfer student at your highschool in New York)

You sigh as you tap your pen against your desk. The boy to your left, Jed, was blabbing his big mouth again, giving you a headache. Sometimes you wished you could just shut that kid up! You look out the window at the falling snow against the New York buildings. Great. You think. Now the sidewalks will be slick on the walk home...

You let out a sigh of relief as your teacher, Miss Hutman, walks into the room. Then you notice a boy with tan skin and extremely dark brown hair following behind her. The boy is wearing ripped blue jeans, an dark amber colored Sweatshirt, and brown lace up boots.

Miss Hutman claps her hands together, causing the class to turn and face her. "Good morning class." She puts her hands on the boy's shoulders. "Today a new student will be joining our class. This is Ahkmenrah." She says gesturing towards the boy. Ahkmenrah gives a small wave. "Would you like to tell the class a bit about yourself?" She asks him.

Ahkmenrah steps forward. "Hi, my name is Ahkmenrah, but you can call me 'Ahk' for short. My family originally comes from Egypt, but I've lived in London for my whole life. My parents chose to move our family to New York because they got a new business opportunity." Ahkmenrah finishes, and Miss Hutman walks back up to him. "Lovely, Ahk. Why don't you go sit next to (yn)." She says, pointing to the seat to your right.

Ahkmenrah walks over to the desk and sits down. He digs through his satchel for a moment before pulling out a leather journal. He writes something down inside of it, and puts the book back into his bag.

"Alright class!" Miss Hutman begins. "Our last assignment before winter break will be over the United States presidents. I'll pair you up in groups of two, and you'll send one member of your group to pick a president's name out of this bag." Miss Hutman says, holding up a brown paper lunch bag. "I chose the groups last night, so I don't want to hear any complaints." She grabs a paper and begins reading off names. "Jed and Tilly, Teddy and Octave, Amelia and Lance, (yn) and Ahk..."

Miss Hutman continues reading off names, as you glance over at Ahkmenrah. The boy glances over at you at the same time, and your eyes meet.
You both quickly blush and look away.


When the bell rings for you to move on to your next class, you walk over to Ahkmenrah, who is packing his bag.

"Hi, Ahk." You say. "At lunch would you like to sit with me and my friends? I'd bet you'd like them." You smile.

"Oh, uh, sure." He says quickly. "I'd better get to my next class." He puts the satchel strap over his shoulder and bolts off.


As You walk down the hallway to the cafeteria, you feel someone tap your shoulder. You turn around to see an older student with long black hair and dark eyes. He wears a teal shirt with a golden eagle on it underneath a black jacket.

"Can I help you?" You ask, feeling a bit intimidated by the students size.

The student clears his throat. "I couldn't help but notice," he leans down to your eye level and puts his dry, rough hand underneath your chin. "That you are a beautiful young lady."

You quickly jerk your head out of his hand, very surprised. "Oh, uh, thanks?" You manage to stutter out. "Do I know you?"

"My name is Kahmunrah, the newest senior at this school. What is your name?" He asks.

"Oh, my name is (yn).

"(Yn)" He says your name a couple of times. "What a lovely name."

"Uh, thanks?"

"Well then (yn), would you like to go out with me?" Kahmunrah asks, smiling a gross grin.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm good." You say, creeping backwards, only to hit a wall.

Kahmunrah slams his hands on the wall on either side of you, leaving you trapped. "Nobody ever tells me no." He grunts. He chuckles softly looking away. "So let's try that again. Will you go out with me?"

You're about mutter out a yes, so this creep will leave you alone, when you hear someone shout. "Brother, stop!" You glance towards the voice to see Ahkmenrah angrily walking towards you and Kahmunrah. Ahkmenrah looks up at his brother. "Leave her alone." He grunts.

Kahmunrah turns his attention away from you, and jerks his head to face his little brother. "What?" He mutters through his teeth.

"You heard me. Leave. Her. Alone."

Without warning Kahmunrah swings his hand at his brother, causing him to be flung into a row of lockers, head first. Ahkmenrah lies on the ground, not moving.

"Ahk!!!" You shout. In rage, you punch Kahmunrah in the face. He looks at you in shock, but you ignore him and run to Ahkmenrah. "Ahk? Are you alright?!"

Ahkmenrah slowly sits up. "I-I think so..."

"What is going on out here?!?" The three of you turn to the voice to see your principal, Mr. Mcfee storming down the hall. "Why are you turning this school into a wrestling arena?!?"

"Mr. Mcfee I-" you begin standing up.

"Not another word. The three of you in my office. Chop chop." He says snapping his fingers, and heading in the direction of the office.

You help Ahkmenrah to his feet, and the two of you follow Mr. Mcfee slowly, Kahmunrah behind you.

Moonlight's Secret (Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now