(44) The Knight in not-so-Shining Armor

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"Ah, fair (yn)!"

You sigh as you see Sir Lancelot, an exhibit at the British Museum (like yourself) approach you. Lancelot was your boyfriend, but you really weren't a fan of him. He was a knight in not-so-shining
armor. He was arrogant and self-centered. You only accepted his offer because he put you on the spot in front of the whole museum when he asked you out. Since he was well liked amongst the exhibits, you were worried they would get upset with you if you turned him down.
You were basically stuck with Lancelot, because you were too afraid to break up with him. You hated confrontation.

It had become a habit of yours to try and avoid Lancelot so he couldn't find you and boast about himself for the entire night. This had become a cycle for many months, until tonight.

"It's a good thing I'm so strong, otherwise I may not have caught up with you. You're lucky to have a boyfriend who can keep up with you." Lancelot chuckles, finally catching up with you.

You roll your eyes. "Heh, totally." You sarcastically say.

"So, you'll never believe what I just did on my way here. There was this little girl who..."

It was about then when you tuned the knight out. As you walk down the halls, you occasionally nod or say "uh-huh"

You glance around the museum and it's inhabitants as you walk, until your eyes find him. Pharaoh Ahkmenrah. Now that was the guy you wanted to date. He was everything Lancelot wasn't. Ahkmenrah was kind, compassionate, and humble. You wished you could talk to him, but it seemed as though Lancelot suddenly spawned wherever you went when you went to talk to any guy, especially Ahkmenrah.

"(Yn)? What are you so entranced by?" Lancelot asked, actually bothering to ask something that wasn't about him.

"Hmm?" You snap out of your daze. "Oh..uh..nothing!"



"Oh come on, tell me!"

"It was nothing!"

You didn't want to tell Lancelot that you were staring at your real crush. Lancelot had a horrible tendency to get jealous, and when he got jealous he wasn't exactly a great person to be around.
Lancelot sighs, realizing that he wasn't getting any information from you, and stomps off, causing his armor to make a clanging noise with each step.

You let out a sigh of relief as soon as the knight has left the room.


This is my chance. I can finally talk to Ahkmenrah in peace! You think to yourself. Pushing all of your worries and doubts deep into the pit of your stomach, you strut over to Ahkmenrah, where he was in the middle of chatting with a group of WWI British soldiers and nurses.

"H-hey." You shyly say, approaching the group. Another one of the issues you came across during your time with Lancelot was that you never had time to talk to the other exhibits. Lancelot always insisted on you only spending your time with him.

"Oh, hello...?" One of the nurses softly smiles.

"It's (yn), right?" A soldier with pale blond hair asks.

"Yeah. I don't think we've met before." You meekly say.

"Oh, well my name is Samantha, this is William, Robert, Margret, and Charles." The first nurse says, gesturing to the other soldiers and nurse.

"It's nice to meet you." You say, shaking their hands.

"This is King Ahkmenrah." One of the soldiers-Robert-says.

"Hello." Ahkmenrah says with a smile. "You can just call me Ahk."

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you just now introducing yourself to us?" Margret asks.

"Yeah, you're usually only with Sir Lancelot." William adds.

"We had a bit of a disagreement. Lancelot asked me something I didn't want to answer so he got upset and stormed off. He never left me alone before we became a couple, so I thought it'd be nice to meet some other exhibits." You explain.

"That's Lancelot for you." Samantha chuckles, rolling her eyes.


"Oh, Samantha and Lancelot dated a little while before your exhibit came to the museum. But Samantha broke up with him once he began to control her life." Ahk explains.

"Wait really?" You asked, shocked.

"Yeah. Look I've been there. Don't feel like you have to date Lancelot just to please him or those around you." Samantha says, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"That's not how love works. You should date someone because you want to date them, not because they pressure you to be with them." Ahk gently smiles at you, and you feel your cheeks heat up.

You smile a real, genuine smile. Your first true smile for months. "Thankyou...you have no idea how amazing it is to hear that." You feel a couple of tears flow from your eyes. It felt amazing to feel support from others after so long of standing alone. "Why are you guys all being so kind to me?" You meekly ask, rubbing the tears from your eyes.

"Because that's what friends do." Robert says.

"It doesn't matter how well we know each other. What matters is that we'll be there to support one another." William smiles.

"Us exhibits have to stick together, am I right?" Samantha says with a grin, holding out her fist to you.

You pound it, and smile back. "Right."

:-Two Months Later-:

You skip down the halls to meet up with your friends, and your new boyfriend. After you broke up with Lancelot, he was furious, but seemed to have gotten over it quick, as he had a new girl clinging onto his arm only a week later. For the first week after you broke up, you kept asking yourself if you made the right call, but your new friends supported you. They told you that it was for the best, and that you were strong on your own. A few weeks after the breakup, Ahk asked you out and they two of you have been together since. Ahk treated you the way Lancelot never did, and he treated you with kindness and love.

Things had definitely turned out well, and you finally felt loved. You just had to trust in yourself, and learn to trust others. And as cheesy as it sounds, the real knights in shining armor of this fairy tale, were the ones who didn't wear the fancy armor.

Hi everyone!!

I apologize for the super cheesy one shot. It's exam week and I needed to write something with all of the sparkles and happy, sunny,
believe in yourselfvibes.

So, sorry if you don't like that stuff, but I like a healthy dose of it every now and then. :)

I'll see you all next week, and as always, requests are still open for you guys!!

Thanks for reading!

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