(49) Betrayed

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"Mom? Do you think I should bring a book with me to the museum?" You call down the hall.

"I think that it wouldn't hurt. After all, spending the whole night at an empty museum with grandpa might become a bit boring." Your mom calls back to you.

Your grandfather was a night guard at the Museum of Natural History in New York City. He was a very well-known night guard, also known as Cecil Fredricks. It was a job that seemed to run in the family, as your great-grandfather was also a night guard at the museum.

You always admired his job when you were a little girl because being a night watchman seemed very important. The safety of the museum and all of its priceless artifacts rested on his shoulders. You not only admired his job, but you also admired him as a person. Cecil was your hero. Your grandfather was always there for you and your mother, and he was there for you when your dad left when you were only seven. He always came home from his work with a smile on his face, and ready to make you smile if you had a bad day.

As you grew older, you desperately wanted to go to work with your grandpa, and see the museum at night for yourself. So finally, on your sixteenth birthday, Cecil took you to work with him.

You end up tossing the book into your bag and close it up before slinging it around your shoulder.

"I'm hoommeee~" your grandpa calls with a sing-song tone in his voice as he walks through the front door.

"Hey, dad." Mom calls from the kitchen.

"Grandpa!" You run into the main hall and tightly hug Cecil.

He smiles when he sees you. "You ready to go, sweetie?" He asks.

"Yes! Let's go!" You exclaim, practically shoving your grandfather out the door.


"Look, sweetie, there are a few things that you need to know before we get to the museum," Cecil says from behind the wheel of his car.

"Okay? Are these like 'no touching' rules or something?"

"Not exactly. Now, you're not going to believe me when I tell you this, but I want you to trust me."

"You know I'll always trust you, Grandpa."

"The museum comes to life at night."

You stare at your grandfather in shock. You knew that he liked to mess with you, but this took the cake. "Hah hah, very funny." You fake chuckle.

Grandfather only looks at you.

"Wait, are you serious?" You ask.

He nods. "I wouldn't lie about something like this to you, (yn)."

You still weren't sure if you believed him, but you decided to at least hear him out. "So...how does the museum come to life then?" You ask.

"There's an ancient Egyptian tablet. It's magical. Every night when the sun sets, the tablet glows, and the museum comes to life." He explains with 100% seriousness.

"So what are these 'rules'?" You ask, desperately trying to change the subject.

"One, you can't go near the African mammals. They can get aggressive. Two, don't mention anything to the miniatures about their size. Three, and this is the most important- Whatever you do, do not open the mummy's sarcophagus." He says, pulling into the back parking lot of the museum.

"Why not?"

Cecil pauses. "Just don't, okay?" He smiles.

"Alright..." you say, stepping out of the car.

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