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I took a step back, before the shock of the situation wore off and I managed to gather my wits about me, squaring my shoulders and stepping forward once more. "I didn't realize you were waiting for me, or else I would've shown up earlier." I deadpanned, taking a seat next to Nairobi, which was thankfully, the one furthest away from him.

Martin made a moue of annoyance, but always the gentlemen, waited for me to be seated and made sure I had something on my plate, before beginning to tuck into his food.

The awkward silence that had blanketed the table was a palpable thing, only Denver seemed unfazed by it all, as he continued to munch happily on his meal. I was pleasantly surprised upon taking note of who was sitting next to him. Monica looked better than she'd had during our time together inside the mint, in fact, she looked radiant and young, I guess having millions of euros helped with that.

Truth be told, I wasn't even hungry. I was tired, but then again, that was my usual state of being as of late. The sunshine and fresh air felt nice on my skin, and I let myself relax, mind wandering to times past.

Happier times.

There was no telling what would happen now, and though Sergio hasn't bothered to tell me that Martin would be part of the team this time around, I'd already deduced as much by the odd looks Bogota and Marseille had given me on the way here.

What had they'd been told about my sudden disappearance? They hadn't seemed to be upset with me, so it couldn't have been all bad, right?

Tokyo appeared to be lost in thought, much as I was, and I couldn't help but feel a bit peeved at her and Rio. How idiotic could they both be? Granted, it's not like I'd been forced to come, but still, I'd have preferred for this reunion to have been a cause for celebration and happiness, not for an impromptu rescue mission.

From the direction of the kitchens stepped out a figure dressed in a light brown sweater, her hair whipping around her face in the light breeze. I hissed lowly at the sight of Inspector Raquel Murillo, and both Martin and Sergio looked up at me immediately.

What was she doing here?! I dug my nails into the wood, waiting for an explanation, but nothing came.

By now, she'd already taken her seat at the table, only stopping to kiss Sergio straight on the mouth. Nairobi turned to me and smirked, looking for all intents and purposes like the cat who'd swallowed the canary, and I suddenly realized I didn't want to be there for a second longer. Pushing my plate away noisily, I stood up and started walking away, in the direction of my rooms.

Did Sergio not realize who she was? What she'd done? She might not have been the one to pull the trigger in the end, but she'd given the orders for it all the same. She'd murdered Andrés. Yet here she sat, looking proud and smug all at once, since when had she become part of the team?

I heard them shout my name, but I was too angry to listen. Taking the stairs two at a time, I ran up my room, increasing my speed when I heard the sound of loud footsteps behind me.

My room looked heartbreakingly welcoming in the morning sunlight, I'd used to love sitting in my vanity during this time of the day.

Quickly gathering my things I put them all inside my backpack, knowing I wasn't going to be able to make a fast getaway with all my luggage in tow.

"Going somewhere?" The smooth voice asked from the doorway, looking at my frazzled state with amusement.

I didn't even bother turning to face him, "That's the idea."

Martin let out a soft chuckle, moving closer to sit on my bed, "And how do you plan on leaving here, if you don't have a car?"

I flushed with embarrassment. How could I have forgotten that I needed a car to leave this place? My previously planned dramatic exit seemed very pathetic now.

Martin looked amused at the heat still staining my cheeks, and I let out a tired sigh. This wasn't how I thought things would go. I just needed a break from this, and some time to cool down so I could get answers from Sergio.

"How about, I take you into town? We can go to that coffee shop you like so much." Martin kept his tone even, and for the first time in a long time, I met his eyes bravely, weighing my options.

He seemed to be holding his breath as he waited for my answer.

"Okay, but you're driving." His smile was breathtaking, as he stood up and clapped his hands together. "Of course I am. Let's go."

My previous fears and worries were suddenly forgotten as I took in the sight of his simple joy, and then he led me out of my room, his large palm resting comfortably on my waist.


The coffee shop was blessedly empty, and I almost cried at the taste of my long missed macchiato. It was heaven. The sky had turned into an overcast grey, and I shivered lightly as the breeze picked up, all traces of the warm sunshine gone now. How fitting, I thought. The only placed I'd feel that sunshine were to be inside the monastery walls apparently. We'd decided to sit outside, away from prying eyes and ears.

"Here." Martin handed me his leather jacket, and I put it on wordlessly, feeling myself grow warm as I found myself engulfed in the smell of his expensive cologne.

So far, we'd avoided talking, choosing instead to focus on our drinks and baked treats. Better for me really. I hadn't thought about what this impromptu coffee date would bring, and I'd grown nervous at the thought of him asking questions. Questions he surely had, if the looks he was shooting me were any indication. I only hoped he wouldn't ask about Andrés. At least not right now. I wouldn't be able to contain my tears if he did.

"Did you want to go to the book shop? I couldn't help but notice the lack of books that accompanied you. You're going to need something to keep you busy during the sleepless nights, don't you think?" He teased.

"I'll manage. Besides, there's plenty to do at the villa." Martin froze at that, cocking his head in confusion. "What villa?"

"The one I'll be staying at?" I asked, taking another sip of my drink.

"You mean you won't be staying at the monastery with the rest of us?" His tone had grown dangerous and I slowly set my drink down, realizing that this conversation needed my full attention.

I bristled at the assumption, "Of course not, I've already rented a place." I hadn't actually, but I was planning to. There was no way I'd be staying inside the monastery, especially knowing that we'd have more people living there than what I'd previously expected.

Martin's diamond eyes grew hard, "That's ridiculous. You're staying in the monastery and that's final. We need you there." His voice grew distant by the end of his proclamation and I bit my tongue to stop the retort that I wanted to make. There was no point in causing a scene, and there was no point in arguing with Martin when he got like this. He never listened, it was easier to let him have his way.

I'd talk to Sergio about it later.

"Good." He took a long drink and smirked over the rim of his cup, leaning over and pushing my hair out of my face. "I have missed you more than words could possibly express you know."

I bit my tongue at the confession that fell from his lips, feeling unworthy of it, and all the more guilty for it.

That didn't stop me, however, from murmuring a soft, "I have missed you too."


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And When The Walls Come DownTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon