Past and Present

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The morning of my birthday, I was cordially invited to a girl's day out, courtesy of one Tatiana soon-to-be de Fonollosa. I wondered what the woman would think if I told her that I had kissed her fiancé only a few days earlier. I toyed with the idea, imagining the possible outcomes of my confession in my head, as I smiled and nodded at each and every one of the dresses she modeled in front of me.


"Oh. I almost forgot." He pulled me back to him, closing the door once again. My heart thudded against my chest as he pushed me against the wall, this time, caging me in purposefully. I had to angle my neck uncomfortably to make eye contact, a fact which he'd always found amusing before. Judging by the playful look in his eyes, he still did.

"What?" I whispered, clenching my hands into fists at my sides, when all they wanted to do was reach out and pull him even closer.

"Here." He pulled out something red and black from his suit pocket, and I blinked, suddenly feeling my chest heavy.

It was an ornate gun, with exquisitely detailed markings, one of a kind, one that had been made specifically for me. It was the gun that had been presented to me on my birthday. One of the many things I'd left behind at the monastery.


We were sitting at one of Andrés' favorite restaurants, waiting for him and Martin to show up, as we idly browsed the menu, not saying a word. I appreciated that about Tatiana, she never pretended to like me. Oh she acted friendly enough when the boys were around, playing nice for their sake, but I knew the truth. In fact I had the sudden feeling that our little excursion this morning was prompted by her fiancé. We both coexisted within Andrés' life to the best of our abilities, but I knew she didn't particularly care about my closeness to her future husband. In the interest of full disclosure, I had to admit I shared the sentiment.

"My two favorite girls!" Andrés exclaimed with a bright grin, arms open as he approached our table, Martin, as always, at his side. I couldn't help the pleased sigh that left my mouth as he placed a kiss on my cheek, before turning to Tatiana and doing the same.

"How was dress shopping?" Martin asked, curling his arm around me and pulling my body closer to him, giving me a kiss on the cheek as well.

I let Tatiana thrill them with the boring details, while I stared out the window, watching the world pass by.

I was officially eighteen, and I was celebrating by helping the woman before me, find the perfect wedding dress that she'd use to marry the love of my life.

I thought of Andrés and his upcoming nuptials. I wondered if he actually loved her, or if this was another one of his fleeting fancies. We hadn't spoken about the kiss I'd given him that night, and I figured he'd thought I was actually drunk and didn't remember what had happened.


"Sergio said no guns."

"A mere oversight on his part I assure you." At my deadpan look he grinned crookedly, "My brother knows you don't need a gun to take care of yourself, I, however, would feel better knowing you have this with you."

I took it from his grasp, feeling the comforting weight settle in my hand as my fingers wrapped around it. It had been one of the few things I'd regretted leaving behind. I traced the engraved markings reverently, swallowing back the overwhelming emotion that was settling in my chest. Berlin eyed me curiously.

"Thank you." I whispered, shoving it into my suit.

"I do hope you won't have to make use of it, but just in case." He explained, shrugging slightly.

I nodded, swallowing hard.

What was it about this man that made me feel so exposed? I had thought that after all these years away from his influence, I would become stronger, that my feelings would lessen and fade away, but it seemed as though he would always have a hold over me.

No matter the distance or time destiny put between us.


That night, they snuck into my bedroom, looking every inch the thieves I knew them to be. I didn't notice their presence until it was too late, closing my book I turned to face them with a raised eyebrow.

"You didn't think we'd forgotten did you?" Martin reproached, handing over a large box, and I couldn't help the smile that bloomed on my face. I had, actually, but I wasn't going to admit that to him. Andrés took a seat on my bed, and I curled my feet so Martin could sit too. The package was heavy, beautifully wrapped and with a silk bow adorning it. I opened it slowly, and found that inside there was a smaller box.

Picking it up, I turned to face them, hoping for a clue, and only finding matching expressions of smug amusement on their handsome features. "Go on, open it." Martin said, impatient as always. I did, feeling my breath catch at the sight before me. It was a beautiful necklace, elegant in its simplicity, picking it up, I could feel how heavy it was.

The diamonds that adorned it glinted in the low light, and I looked up at them. "Are these-?" I let the question hang in the air, staring at Andrés for confirmation. "They are." He nodded, taking it from my grasp and motioning for me to turn over.

I did so, moving my hair to the side as he gently placed it around my neck, fingering the diamonds that had once upon a time been stolen from Paris by the two men before me.

"It's lovely. Thank you." I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, and I turned to smile at them, hoping to convey just what this meant to me. Martin ruffled my hair affectionately, "Not as lovely as you. Now, open your other gift." Pushing the tissue paper aside, I came across another box, this one a dark wood. I pulled it out, placing it in my lap and opening it to reveal a gun encased in plush black velvet. The gun was a dark red, the color of blood, with black markings, which I traced gently before picking it out of its case.

"What's this for?" I asked slowly.

"Andrés thought you should have one. We had it made just for you. Do you like it?" Martin's blue eyes were earnest, and I dropped the gun on the bed, launching myself into his arms.

"I love it. Thank you." I whispered into his neck. He hugged me back tightly, laughing as I finally pulled away.

"Don't I get a hug too? After all, it was my idea to get you the gun." Andrés questioned teasingly, opening his arms, and I leaned over, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Happy birthday darling." He breathed, stroking my hair.

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