Your Attention

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Tatiana was the only one at the breakfast table that morning. Martin and Andrés must have stayed up all night as was usual of them, going over plans and what not. I debated with myself over going back to my rooms and skipping breakfast altogether, but my growling tummy won in the end.

She smiled up at me when I approached, her hair and makeup as impeccable as always.

"How did you and Andrés meet?" She began once I'd sat down.

I met them both at the same time Tatiana but of course, you'd only care to know about him.

I carefully smeared the homemade jam on my toast. I wondered what Andrés had told her, since she hadn't asked about me being here before, in a monastery with two men who were clearly older than I.

Had she thought I was their maid or something more nefarious? I obviously didn't look related to them in the slighest, anyone could have seen that.

Admittedly, I could see why she'd come to the maid conclusion. I was always picking up after them, as well as helping around the monastery. I liked to keep my hands as busy as I could, lest they start to get any ideas about going into town for a while and seeing if they remembered what they were trained to do.

"I tried to rob him." I answered finally.

She glanced up sharply, dropping her fork on the plate.

"Lucky for me, he found it amusing rather than angering."

When she realized that no more details would be forthcoming she cleared her throat, and picked up her fork again.

"Well. I'm glad he did." She didn't sound very convincing, but I still smiled at her.


"You're crying. Why are you so upset darling?"

His long fingers grabbed a lock of my hair, gently placing it behind my ear.

I forced myself not to flinch at the feel of his cold touch against my overly heated skin.

The woman next to me, who'd tried to calm me down, inhaled shakily at the term of endearment. I was still crying softly, making an overly dramatic effort to calm myself down as I met his eyes meekly, trying to convey what I wanted without raising any suspicions in my fellow hostages.

"I- I'm sorry." I whispered, letting my voice shake.

He nodded, affecting a look of concern as he motioned Rio over. "Watch them. I think I'm going to take this young lady upstairs with the others myself. So she can calm down of course." He added, almost as an afterthought. I whimpered as he gripped my arm, pulling me to him, and I noticed that many of the female hostages were staring at us in complete fear, no doubt wondering just what Berlin had in store for me. He pushed me forward gently, still holding onto me, and I began to walk, but Rio was blocking our way forward.

"Berlin, I have to tell you something."

"Not now Rio." He murmured, sounding none too pleased at the interruption.

I bit my lip, if Monica managed to get to the phone I knew who I would be blaming. Seriously, did they think I had put on this little show just for their entertainment? Denver was already back, a concerned look on his handsome face, so I knew we had to hurry. Oslo might have been watching the other small group of hostages, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't miss something. Rio looked as though he was going to be sick, but he didn't try to interrupt a second time, instead stepping back to the side as he let us pass.

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