Liar, Liar

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Though none of us were too pleased about Tokyo's impromptu return to the cage (as it'd been so lovingly named) we all kept quiet and continued to work.

I honestly didn't understand what the point of her being back inside here, was, since she'd likely be more helpful to Sergio out there, but there was no use lamenting what could have been, right?

Berlin was pacing the small office like a tiger, barking orders and stealing touches from Ariadna's stiff form. I could feel his eyes burning holes into the back of my head, but I paid him no mind, keeping careful track of the amount of bills I was putting into each bag. My darling coworkers had clearly grown bored with such a mundane task, since their bags looked like utter trash compared to my neat ones. Then again, they had no reason to be invested in this, they weren't the ones who were going to be spending all of this money in the not so distant future.

Moscow had gotten both Rio and Denver to help him continue digging the tunnel, and although I hadn't been informed of anything yet, I knew that something had happened on the outside, we were still days off our previously planned schedule, so something had gone wrong on our Professor's end.

Despite knowing this, I felt calm, we'd printed more than enough money, and frankly, I was quite done with being a docile little hostage. I couldn't wait to breathe in the air outside, take a real shower, followed by a long bath, not to mention eating a real meal! The only bright side to all of this was the fact that I'd already lost some weight, so at least there was that.

Berlin brushed against me purposefully, but I carefully stepped out of the way, keeping my hands busy. I could feel the irritation rolling off of him in waves, and I bit back the smile threatening to bloom on my face, he had always hated being ignored.

I knew he wanted to talk about what I'd confessed to him earlier. Had it been petty, to tell him of what I'd shared with Martin? Perhaps. Did I care? Not in the slightest. He'd been the one to reject me, after all.

We finished packing the bags up, and I made my way out of the office and to the safe, following the other girls, when Berlin pulled Ariadna back, shooting a smirk in my direction. Ha, like I'd care, he probably needed to get some of that anxious energy out, and I made sure to keep my steps as slow as possible, lest I be forced to walk back into them doing something they definitely shouldn't, again.


I was coming out of the restroom when I saw Ariadna begin to make her way inside, closely followed by Monica. I knew better than to spy on them, but then again, hadn't Berlin told me to keep an eye on his precious pet? I slowly put my feet up on the toilet, sitting down on the lid of the tank, I braced myself to wait.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. That sneaky little whore!

So that was her end game, to have Berlin marry her so she'd eventually get all of his money, and all while she spat in his face about the fact that he was a rapist.

I clenched my hands into fists, making a concentrated effort to keep my breathing as even as possible. How could Monica comfort her?!

Had she really, truly, honestly, believed that her only chance at salvation was to sleep with the man in charge? What kind of sick mind did this girl have on her?! And honestly, even if Berlin was that, what made her think that Tokyo, Nairobi or I, would even stand for it? This was absolutely insulting and completely sick!

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