Part 15 and Epilogue

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We swerved into the dark road. It was silent in the car for five hours. The only sounds were the engine's purr and my soft breathing.

"How do you know me?" Johnny asked. I then stirred in the back seat.


"*sleepy moan* John?" He places a hand on my elbow, "Yes I'm here Angel." I smiled at his nickname out of my last name. Then I was confused when the sleep cleared from my eyes.

"Where are we?"

"We're in a car heading somewhere outside of the hangar."

"Really?" I was hopeful, otherwise this was a sick joke.

"Yes. We're free."

"What happened to the infected?" I was a bit more panicked of what would happen if they found us again.

"Tom, Alec, Seth were eaten. I don't know what happened to Lindsay." It was a more comforting thought because we have been nothing but kind to Lindsay. He would most likely die out before he could touch us.

"Who's driving?"

"I don't-."

"The name's Jeffery, miss. Jeffery Heck of the Netherlands but you call me Jeff." I sat up and buckled my seatbelt. I ignored the fact that he said that like we have met before.

"I'm Harper Angeln, most people call me-."

"Oh I know perfectly well who you two are. I knew who you were." I reached for John's hand, a nervous habit. And he grabbed my hand too. "Experiment Zodiac was meant to be a test of survival. A survival of the fittest kind of thing. Then a group of people thought it was cruel and unusual including myself. The rebel unit has been watching over you for a long time now. They'll be so excited to see you." Me and John exchanged a concerned glance. Then a few minutes later, we saw a growing light on the horizon. It was a militant base and the symbol on the gate was a circled eight pointed star with three letters over it. R, T, and S.

"What does RTS mean, Jeff?"

"It means Release The Stars. It's our rebel base to revolt against people like Miss Burns who kidnap kids, wipe their memories and use them as lab rats with different biological weapons and then broadcast it all over the world. They call it "Free entertainment" and don't give the people any right to say "Hey, I don't want to be part of this experiment." We are here to abolish that."

"We were kidnapped?"

"No, I'm being overdramatic. No you volunteered. Well volunteered for us. Agent Harper, you were a spy for us so you got real information about what really happens on Zodiac Piccrut TV."


"Why Harper. You were moved and compiled by your comrades to be the spy. You're our hero-."

"Also what do you mean broadcast?"

"Well, people like Miss Burns, use this "entertainment" and use our televisions, our phones, and our social medias to show recordings of what happens in the experiments. Most people love it because they think it's all fake or know that they volunteer. But other people like us in RTS, know the truth. People like you and John have struggled for years now against our scientists. We call them KTS for Kill The Stars. I'm just glad we saved you before you all died."

I gripped John's hand. What kind of world have we forgot about? This was beyond anything I could have imagined if I had a hundred years. How could this world come to this? Come to literally death on screens and called it's entertainment. Despicable. But I know there is more to come.

We rolled in through the gates of the RTS. We saw many faces greeting us inside. They cheered! One officer came up next to the driver's side rolled down window.

"Well it's nice to see you made it. Welcome home, Agent Harper. We should restore your memory in no time. Don't worry, you're with good people now. You're safe."

Somehow I didn't believe that.

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