Part 13

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Here is a head's up right now. All the people that died that were killed by someone else, except besides by themselves, are not dead. I know shocker. So Alec is alive, Seth and Tom is alive, but unfortunately Hailey is still dead. Only infected people can kill other infected people. I know it sucks. But that's life. Anyhow.

The skylight window burst open. Alec dove inside. He fell in front of his sister. His ears have been heavily dripping. He gave a murderous grin that you would rather see in a horror movie then on your brother's face. With one thrust, his hand shot into Alex's chest. Blood flew everywhere. With another quick movement, Alec pulled out Alex's heart. I screamed. Alec brought the beating heart to his nose. Then I realized that he was a lot paler then he was earlier this week. The edges of his mouth ripped as a long snake like tongue licked away at the blood. He ate it whole. My tears were hot against my face. Right then Johnny carried out of the house bursting through the wood over the door. But he stopped short. A rope trap was triggered and the net under our feet pulled us up twenty feet. Six other people stood in the moonlit row. It was night. Wait six!?! On the floor were markings of something alien in blood that looked more like a satanic ritual than a scene of death. The six stood motionless and then Alec rushed around us to join them. All six were pale and staring at us, their hair draped over their eyes and with the edges of their mouths ripped into a wide grin. Their ears dripped gray. No one spoke. In the moonlight, it turned a darker black color. It was a full moon actually a blood moon to be exact. I scrutinized their stance and the markings. There were four points to the symbol, one larger than the rest, and a middle point. The largest point was black, the three were red, and the middle point was white. Then like a two revenging wolves, Jeromy attacked Lindsay. I clung to John. Before I knew it, Jeromy was dead with a horn through his head and his heart. Lindsay returned to his spot now covered in blood. One second past and Seth and Red did the same. It was brutal and gorey to watch. Red had grown a scorpion tail and Seth's horns were larger. Just as before, Red was dead before I could turn away. Red had a large tear through his chest, mostly through the heart, and one of Seth's horns had blood and pieces of flesh on it. I think I was going to be sick. That's when I got a good look at Seth's face. It was indeed burned and he didn't have eyeballs. It was a horrific sight. Then with growing smell of blood, his skin bubbled and boiled growing new eyes and skin. He was rejuvenated to the natural human looks, except for the pale skin and the extended grin of the ripped skin at the edges of his mouth. Two seconds later, they were eating the two dead bodies of their former comrades. Then everything went black. I fainted; I couldn't take it anymore, I had seen enough.

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