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Life of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

2020 ©Tena Ifiemi


ΞVΞЯЏ ϾŁΛSS HΛS ŦłVΞ arms; Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, Pearl and Sapphire. I was allocated to Year 11 Sapphire. The fact that neither Nini or Ayo were in my class was really sad. But then they put Mide and Amarachi and I couldn't help but laugh as I remembered what happened in the hall during assembly. How can those two be in the same class? It will be chaotic! Our class teacher introduced himself as Mr. Sola. He was tall, had a nice haircut and was young and good-looking.

Stop being weird because I called a teacher good-looking. Besides he's married.

I picked a desk on the second row because I would like to see the board clearly and concentrate in class but I did not want to look like a nerd by sitting at the front row.

"Good morning class." An average heighted light skinned woman greeted as she walked into the class.

"Good morning ma." Everyone chorused.

The woman picked up a marker and wrote Biology on the board before turning back to face us. She looked round the class without saying anything for a while until a boy whose name I don't know yet spoke.

"Miss Chioma or should I say, Mrs. Chioma." He said, wiggling his brows and everyone started laughing.

"It's true oh. Did you guys hear that Miss Chioma is now married?" One Katherine girl asked no one in particular. Everyone suddenly started talking, apparently some knew and some didn't. I obviously didn't and it was annoying how out of place I felt.

Mide suddenly gasped dramatically.

"Miss Chioma how dare you. You disregarded our relationship and went ahead to marry someone else?! I thought we loved each other." He said wiping away a none existent tear.

"Year 10!" Miss Chioma finally yelled but the amusement was clear in her eyes.

"Ma!" The whole class cried.

"It's Year 11 oh! We refuse to go backwards." Katherine said.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. You guys should please stop all this. Yes I'm married but it doesn't mean you should make noise. You know how the VP is and he likes walking about like he has nothing else to do." She said lowering her voice at the last part. "And wow, I can see a new face here. Hi, how are you." She addressed me and I prayed she won't make me stand up.

"I'm fine. Good morning ma."

"Morning. What's your name."

Before I could answer Mide piped in: "Oh, that's my new babe oh. Since you've dumped me for that your so called husband."

"Mide!" The whole class and Miss Chioma yelled.

"What!" He yelled back and I shook my head.

"I'm Ejiro ma."

"You're welcome dear."

I liked Miss Chioma, she was chill. But I would be stupid if I thought that all the teachers were going to be like her. We didn't learn much of biology today, courtesy of Mide but I know that the first topic is The Digestive System. That's how far we were able to go today.


School ran by quicker than I expected. I always say Monday is the fastest day of the week and today once again confirms it. Today's lunch was Eba and Okra or Egusi soup.

When I walked to the food stand and saw the food I thought: 'I could actually start to hate this school.' I mean, who gives growing children Eba and soup which is obviously not good for their growing stomachs on the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK.

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