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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2022 Tena Ifiemi


*this chapter is dedicated to @saysarah. I was supposed to do this like three chapters back but my brain is fried, so... Memory loss and stuff like that, y'know.
Anyway, thank you for always reading, voting and commenting and not giving up on this book and always motivating me ❤ *


I sighed, massaging my forehead as I forced myself to read another topic. I was tired and I knew I needed to take a break but I refused to let up. It happens. When you've read so much and to the point that your brain just refuses to make sense of anything when you try to keep pushing.

Mitchel always says that it means I have reached my saturation point.

It's not even revision week yet and we've not even done this topic in class so what's my deal, right? The truth is, some days, I'm not sure either. I don't know what I'm trying to prove but what I do know is that I'm not doing anything wrong. Studying to get better grades and do better at school generally didn't hurt anybody, right?

Okay, maybe I want to prove something. Maybe I want to be more than the untalented, unintelligent random person that I am. Maybe I wanted to earn my mom's pride. She always says she's proud of me, but like what for? It's the same thing I thought about when I accepted to audition for Mary at the Christmas play, but she couldn't make it.

If I get better grades, maybe I can even get dad to smile at me this time? Going upstage to receive an award of some sort with my parents cheering me on had always been a fantasy of mine anyway. And  yeah, IGCSE is coming up and if I want to 'prove myself', I think that's a good opportunity...even though its in June and we're still in February.

"What?" I asked, turning when I notice a pair of eyes on me.

"First of all, I just want to say I admire this new resilience, no...um, tenacity, yes. Well whatever it is, its good but I think you've reached your..."

"Don't say it." I warn.

Mitchel laughed, "...saturation point, I said it. What're you gonna do?"

I wrinkled my nose at him but smile, Mitchel was so serious these days, it was a rare occurrence to see him joke around.

"Keep reading."

Mitchel snorted, "I see the way you're hugging your book these days. Who're you trying to impress? Damian?"

I fought the urge to blush as I rolled my eyes, "Does someone always have to be doing something because they want to impress your species? I can't by chance be doing it for myself?"

Mitchel raised both hands just a little above his head at both sides of his face, "Sorry, expensive joke I see, but seriously, even you know that at this point you're just deceiving yourself." He reached out and closed my book. "Take a break."

"Like you take breaks. Set an example Mitchel, I sit beside you."

"I do take breaks. When I can no longer take any more physics, I do something lighter, like Maths. Besides, it takes longer to reach my saturation point."

I start to laugh. It starts small, but it begins to grow little by little. It doesn't get too loud but it carries on long enough to annoy Mitchel, "What's funny?" He demands.

"I'm sorry, but did you hear yourself?"

"Um, yeah? What?"

"When I can no longer take any more physics, I do something lighter like maths." I mimic in an over exaggerated deep voice.

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