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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2022 Tena Ifiemi


set fire to the rain - adele

why - rema

I remember earlier in the session when Chisom had accused me of stealing and turned my roommates against me. Damian had tried to persuade me to forgive her. He wanted me to act like nothing happened even when he knew she had hurt me.

I remember Christmas Carol night last year. When Damian and Chisom had done a duet, looking like the dreamiest couple in the whole of Lagos.

How had I missed it before?

What was I then? Chisom's voice came to mind as a reply,

His replacement bitch.

Dad was right. I shouldn't have any business around boys. But still, I wanted to know. I wanted to hear Damian tell me why. I keep trying to tell myself its all a misunderstanding but why did he keep it from me then? His best friend was about to beat Richard up just for telling me.

It's been four days since Chisom completely battered and destroyed any ounce of self-esteem I may have had. It's also day four of receiving Damian's daily short letters in my school locker. On day one, against my better judgment, I had smiled as I read it—something I had later beaten myself up about. But sue me if I can't immediately eliminate feelings that have been growing for months. I still like Damian—It doesn't just go away—and seeing his handwriting on the paper made me feel...warm, I guess.

I know its stupid.

The letters were never too long. They were mainly a plea for me to talk to him...to let him explain. Day one, he had asked in his letter if I was feeling better and said he hoped I wasn't missing my medications before pleading for a meeting. Zainab who had been discreetly reading over my shoulder had cooed at that.

But I hadn't been ready to talk to him then. Chisom's insults were still like a fresh wound. If I'm being honest, it still bothered me and I'm ashamed to admit it but its true. Now however, after sitting with my thoughts all these days and talking to Reya, I decided it was time I heard what he has to say.

Today is Friday which means its a half day which means school closes after break time. It's mostly for club meetings and sports practice or any other extracurricular activity but it meant the world to every MIA student. I mean, there's culinary club, art club, science club, tailoring club... It's basically a period when students can do whatever it is they want to do.

Which is why I knew Damian would either be at the football field or at the basketball court, so I went that way. The weather was chilly. Unlike most, I've always loved the cold. It's always felt kinda liberating somehow. Obviously it could be a problem when it gets too much but it hardly ever for me. I have, what I call; a high cold tolerance.

When I was younger I used to like playing in the rain. I even used to kid myself that I could control it which I fault to watching too much Avatar. It definitely didn't help when Frozen was released and Elsa could freeze water. I worked on that for weeks.

A game was already going on at the court. The screeching of boots on the floor and the bouncing of the ball was in fact what brought me back from dreamland. I quickly scanned the players but Damian wasn't among them. I scanned the bleachers as well but I didn't see him. Football then?

"Hey, what are you doing so close to the court?"

I gulp and look up at the coach. I've never been good with adults that I barely know, "Um...um..."

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