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Life of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2020 Tena Ifiemi


when the party's over - billie eilish

bad influence - omah Lay.

*My top favorite singers BTW✌🏼*


ШHΞЛ ł ШФКΞ UP, I found myself in my bed and it was morning. Everything from last night started rushing in rapidly and my heart sank.

Who brought me here? Did...did it happen again?

My room door suddenly opened and I jumped. My heart was beating fast and my head began to pound.

It was my dad.

He rushed to my side and pulled me into his arms.

"Shhh... Eji, it's alright. Everything is okay, I promise." He cooed but that only made me cry more.

"Did he...?" I trailed off, not knowing how to ask what I wanted to ask.

"No, no, no, no, no. I swear." He was quick to say and I relaxed.

He wouldn't lie about this, would he?

"What happened?"

"I couldn't sleep and I heard noises so I came and I saw you on the floor.  He didn't..." He trailed off, but I knew what the next two words might have been.

I nodded, now suddenly aware that my father was hugging me. I've missed having times like this. I've missed him acknowledging me as his daughter. But now? Now, I just wanted his arms off of me.

I cleared my throat. "Dad—"

And as if a bucket of cold water was poured over his head, he quickly let go of me and got up from my bed.

"Right. Umm..." He hesitated. "Don't tell your mother...y'know, about..."

I felt my eyes start to water again.

"Of course."

And then he was gone.

A few minutes of staring at my ceiling later, I turned on my phone to check the time.


I connected to the house WiFi wanting to check WhatsApp to see if anyone was online. Anything to take my mind away from what happened yesterday. But seconds after I unlocked the app, sleep soon overcame me.


Few hours later, I got up from bed to finally start preparing for school. Going into the en-suite bathroom, I turned on the tap and let the water flow into the bucket while I sat down on the toilet to relieve myself and then suddenly the lights went off and I couldn't hear the sound of water flowing into the bucket anymore.

I heard someone come into my room.

"Mom?" I called out. I wasn't usually afraid of the dark but something about this wasn't right.

"Mom?" I called again. Getting up and finding the door in the darkness but when I try the handle, the door won't open.

I didn't lock it. I know I didn't.

"Mom!" I screamed banging the door when I realized that the key was on the other side.

"This isn't mom."

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