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Life Of Jiji

All Rights Reserved

©2022 Tena Ifiemi


Ejiro doesn't leave and that's just the beginning of the surprises of the day.

"Damian, um, hi." I glance at her having to resist raising a very confused and slightly suspicious brow.

When I took too long to reply, she spoke again and my mouth nearly dropped at the amount of verbal communication she was initiating. "Um, congratulations on winning sports prefect." She tucks a few braids behind her ear in a nervous action.

"Thank you." I say simply still watching her curiously. She can barely meet my eyes so she doesn't see my eyes on her.

I'm both confused and surprised at this conversation but I've been training myself to keep my emotions at bay. I've put myself out there too much. Been too vulnerable, always being open about my feelings and whatever. So today I refuse to be excited that she's speaking to me because who knows how long it'll last.

Jiji though looks like she's holding in a massive word vomit. She obviously wants to say something else or she would've fled a while ago. She's hugging herself and staring at the ground and every now and then she parts her lips before shutting them again.

"Do you want to sit?" I ask against my better judgment. My brain is telling me not to be stupid cause not only could she want to tell me she wants to prolong the 'space' but I may have misread and she may say no to this very question.

Maybe she doesn't want to sit down .


Oh, well, okay? I gesture to the bleachers and we walk silently towards them before sitting down. It made me think of 'our spot' even though this wasn't it. I miss our little evening meetings.

"Um, congrats." She finally looked up a little.

"You said that already." I stated the words probably coming out harsher than I intended because her lips immediately turned down and her head went with it.


I was going to apologize when she beat me to it. "I'm sorry."

I sigh and look away.


"What are you sorry about?" I ask. Its a very important question. Its the only way for me to know that she isn't just saying it for the sake of it. It's the only way I can get even the slightest bit of an explanation.

"I'm sorry for ignoring us."

It was so simple but her words had my heart aching immediately they left her mouth because she had said 'us', because I was close to giving up since I don't think she wants to be a part of anything...with me. But here she was merging me and her into one pronoun. If there was anything I was expecting to hear her say, it wasn't that and if the way her lips were parted were anything to go by, she was just as surprised at herself.

"I pushed you away without an explanation when I was the one with the issues. I..."

I had to resist the urge to hold her when I saw her lips quiver. I had to let her speak. It may be the only chance I get.

"I know how you feel about me and I feel the same. It's just..."

Impatience took over at how much she was hesitating and I probed, "Just what, Ejiro?"

Her eyes met mine and she closed her eyes tightly, shaking her head and when she opened them again a large tear fell from one and rolled down her cheek soon to be followed by the the other. Unable to resist it, I placed a hand on her back and pulled her into me. Slowly rubbing circles into her back, I urged her to continue,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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